HomeBlog YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, May 2 2023

YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, May 2 2023

May 4, 2023


“I have a close friend whose husband was only 50 years old and suffered from a stroke. He has hemiparesis, or half his side is now paralyzed. He is a non-smoker. He is Christian, a married man.”


My first thought, did he have a booster? She is not sure. That’s quite young at 50 for that to happen. There are so many things, his weight, what is his blood sugar, what are his triglycerides. What I would say, if you can find someone who can do chelation therapy, EDTA chelation therapy includes microcirculation and it opens up the tiny blood vessels that can help clear out the peripheral damage areas and recover potentially some very good functionality. So, you have to be low carb, take systemic enzymes twice a day, like Vitalzyme or Vascuzyme. Do chelation therapy and if this person is in Phoenix, Arizona, I know they do chelation therapy out there. You can go to ACAM.org. You should be able to find a functional medical doctor who is on ACAM and trained and doing chelation therapy. He should be very low carb, lots of water, never eat late at night, and I’m sure he is in physical therapy and on anticoagulants or blood pressure medicine or whatever. But enzymes, water, low carb, and chelation therapy. And then see the local ACAM doctor there. Get that started right away. 


“What is your opinion on the use of THC, cannabis medical marijuana, and CBD in medicine? More and more people seem to be trying these as it has been legalized in California. Do you recommend using some of these as some of your medical armamentaria?”


And the answer is yes. The problem is standardization and getting a good quality. And that is where the problem lies. So, yes, I do believe it's valuable. Interestingly enough, Alex Jones has a CBD that goes through quality assurance because I know the sourcing where he gets it from. This is not the THC. This is the non-hallucinogenic or mood-altering. But Alex Jones, I know, he has one that is very good in his store. So yeah. And there are receptors for CBD throughout all the cells of the human body. So, this is not something that would be unhelpful, especially with parasympathetic, sleep, chronic anxiety, chronic pain syndromes, and the like. So, the answer would be yes. 


“After paying for my full thyroid panel and looking at optimal ranges my endocrinologist agreed to change her levothyroxine rx of 24 years and decrease levothyroxine by 10 micrograms and started a generic for Cytomel at 5 micrograms. I always take my levothyroxine first thing in the morning upon awakening, but I've read conflicting information on when to take the T3. My label states take in am.”  


I've always given the Cytomel at the same time as levothyroxine. And I've never had trouble with my patients. But you can always call your endocrinologist if there's anything specific he wants to say. But I've always given him together.


“My very health-conscious 59-year-old boyfriend who eats very organic, healthy, and works out six days a week had a lab test for his testosterone level, which showed 1,082. He has some assistance from a testosterone support supplement called Tongkat Ali from the long jack plant. His doctor thought his level was too high and try to get it down. Is that level too high for him?”


Well, the answer is when I was a young doctor in the 1970s, towards the later 70s, when I started, testosterone levels were 1600 in the normal ranges back then. My own father before he passed in 2010, I think he was 87 years old or so, and he was not on testosterone support. But his testosterone was always in the 800s. So, when he was a younger man and I was helping to take care of my father, he easily hit 1,400, 1,500. So, no it's just these doctors are just not informed. And the ranges are dropping as the American population's diet is. And lifestyles are declining. And we're getting into a more toxic food-manipulated world. 


“Do you have recommendations on supportive therapies for someone with terminal stage 4 pancreatic cancer with liver metastasis and a brain tumor?”


Well, that's quite serious and concerning for any prognosis of improvement. Now, of course, there are YouTube's studies, Dr. Berg, I think is his name. He has interviewed quite a few people with stage three and four cancers who have gone on a 21-day fast. I don't know if this would be appropriate. I'm not seeing the patient. But there have been people who have had dramatic improvements with a prolonged fast. So, that would be something to look into. Dr. Thomas Seifreid, he has a YouTube video that's very informative on things like this called, Cancer As A Mitochondrial Metabolic Disease. So, you can look that up and watch that as well. Cancer feeds on sugars, and even glutamine, that's an amino acid. And so, this is probably one of the reasons why there are many YouTubes on starving cancer, and so forth. But again, he has to see his oncologist and discuss this with them. But you can look at YouTube, you can look at Dr. Berg on YouTube about cancer, and you can watch Dr. Seifreid. Maybe that will be of help.


“I’m 54 and follow all the suggestions that you provide with hydration and diet. I’m in menopause and on bioidentical hormone therapy. Adrenal function is very low, with low cortisol, and low sodium on labs. Taking adrenal supplements for a long time, eating regular meals, trying to rest, and less stress. What else do you suggest to improve adrenal function?”


Make sure you are salting your food. If you drink enough water, I would use pink Himalayan salt or natural salt and I'd put a dash in every 16-ounce glass I take. Four glasses would be 64, five would be 80 ounces. The other thing is DHEA, dehydroepiandrosterone, 50 milligrams a day is usually what I use to perk up the adrenal function. Vitamin C powder called Vitality C mixed with the OptiMag Neuro magnesium powder for magnesium is always very helpful with my patients to improve their cortisol function. Those are the things that I would recommend if my patient had low cortisol and low sodium. So, hopefully, those are some suggestions that you can discuss with your doctor. 


“What can help with tinnitus, it’s constant. I don’t know what to do.”


Well, you should see your doctor and talk about it and then evaluate that and have it worked up. But in the meantime, being adequately hydrated, drinking half your weight in ounces as water every day. So, if you're 150 pounds, then you would drink 75 ounces of water a day. And allergies, like antihistamines, the natural antihistamine we use is D-Hist, which is Quercetin. Quercetin is around 600 to 800 milligrams a day. IV chelation therapy EDTA chelation improves microcirculation in your loops of Hellene, which are associated with your balance, and some of your hearing, sense of stability, and well-being. And then systemic enzymes help dis-inflame us. The systemic enzyme would be taken on an empty stomach, probably five twice a day for a week or two to see if these things all help. The water, the quercetin, chelation therapy, and the enzymes. 


“I am 41 years old and I started spotting seeing blood when I was a week after ending my last period. This has been happening for six days now. I have some cramping in my lower stomach and will feel pulsating pain in my lower left side at times. I also have some low back pain and haven't been hungry much. I know I'm not pregnant. Although this has never happened to me before, is this something that is normal, or could be a sign of something serious?”


Well, you should see your doctor about this, and you should have your annual pelvic exams. Abdominal ultrasound would be easy or a transvaginal ultrasound would be easy to do. But as you get to age 41 variations in your menstrual cycle can change and we usually don't ovulate as often. That means the lining of the uterus can build up more and more, which means there can be less of a good clean-out every month if you don't ovulate and have good progesterone levels.

If you are a patient of mine, I would probably be assessing your estradiol, and your progesterone level with other labs and be giving you progesterone to take days 15 through 25 of your menstrual cycle to assure that as you're getting closer and closer to menopause, or peri-menopausal, you're going to have enough of a peak of the progesterone to clean the uterus out. So, I think this is probably a more benign phenomenon that it shows you're aging, you're not ovulating every month, and you're getting an increased buildup in the lining of your uterus. And that's why you're having more cramping and these kinds of feelings.

But do you have yourself examined and maybe an ultrasound and see your doctor about that?


“I have been getting ringing in my ear on and off. I don’t listen to loud noises. It seems to come and go. Any idea why and how to treat it?”


This is often aging. And it's a sign of tiny, you know, die off of cells, our brains shrink with age. And this shrinkage of the white matter is associated with tiny, tiny capillaries that are clogged. So, a low-carb diet, drinking plenty of water, taking systemic enzymes on an empty stomach, and then doing EDTA chelation therapy and exercising. All these things tend to help these hearing variations. But see your doctor about that. 


“You've mentioned in a previous question that glycinate citrate malate are good forms of magnesium. My powder is magnesium lactate is that fine?”


Yes, it is. So, that's an okay form of magnesium. 


“My husband who sees a doctor in your group, and myself as well, was electrocuted about eight years ago by picking up a large commercial fan. It entered his right hand and left a small dark mark that went away. He went to a hand specialist and was told they could do nothing for him. Fast forward, he has atrophy in their hand, which has weakened his grip. We figured it was from that, but he now has noticed the same thing is happening in his opposite hand. We are wondering if that was from the shock. The voltage was 220. Our question to you is what kind of doctor can we seek out for help? If there is even help for this? Or will it just continue to cause atrophy throughout his body?”


Well, I would have to know how old your husband is because yes, we do lose our grip strength with age is a process of aging, and the thickness in our eminence and the meek between your hands here starts to diminish and you start seeing gaping in between your fingers as the lumbar muscles here start to diminish. So that can be a normal thing, and not necessarily progressive everywhere else. But a neurologist is who you'd want to see and anything that helps with a low-carb diet, exercise, and microcirculation, like chelation therapy would be beneficial. 


“I have Fibromyalgia. I am 98% gluten-free and dairy free. I avoid all FODMAP foods. In the past four years, I've had SIBO several times. I had to take an antibiotic and at times it was accompanied by Neomycin. Part of my issue is not complete bowel emptying. I am now taking Linzess, 290 milligrams every morning. I also take probiotics for SIBO by Ortho Molecular. Is there a supplement that prevents SIBO? What do you recommend for bloating? I also have major chronic insomnia. I use GABA and glycine and magnesium.”


These are multiple issues. Fibromyalgia is a syndrome in which we don’t have a specific answer, hopefully, you are seeing a neurologist and have appropriate evaluations, as well as a gastroenterologist. I would recommend a complete digestive stool analysis to start with to look at how much meat fibers and vegetable fibers are predominant cultures of the probiotics. The imbalanced bacteria and dysbiosis bacteria. So, good, indifferent, and bad bacteria, they are short-chain fatty acids. In other words a complete understanding of your digestion. I would be low carb for sure. And I would have a mineral analysis. Minerals become depleted as we age and so minerals help us with peristalsis movements and contractions, regular exercise helps with this. Another thing is I would consider natural hormone replacement therapy. That is very helpful with sleeping, as well as with insomnia. That’s a possibility. Those are some directions that I would begin to think about with you. And would go from that point of view. 


“Are you familiar with grounding or earthing? What benefits do you get from it? Is it the same concept as the Bemer?”


No, it's not the same as the Bemer. But grounding is yes, I'm familiar with it. We are electrochemical beings. In other words, we are emitting air energy, we have electrochemical, we can put electrodes on us and we can see the tracing of our heartbeat. We can do nerve conduction studies. So, we have electricity, you might say, in our bodies. And the buildup of negative ions is associated with disease. Taking in extra protons or positive ions is associated in general, loosely speaking with health. So, you'll see that Kangen Water give makes more protons, Izumi water that I use has extra hydrogen ions. We have a book here on it that's called, Live Healthier, Better, and Longer with Hydrogen H2.” So, I drink that water. I help work on some of the research on hydrogenated water. So, it's a very valid thing. So, going outside and stepping on the first-morning dew of the grass, your body will discharge negative ions into the earth. There's always an argument that people who swim in the ocean live longer or better because they're always discharging every time they go into the ocean, even just walking on the sand where the water is wet, you discharge and that's called grounding. There are electrified mats that you can lay on. And it can be put into the grounding wire of your home. So, these things you can stand on. I’m not so sure how valid they are, or if there is any testing because the testing is not usually done because no one is really going to make any money doing this. Although, it’s probably very beneficial for your immune system and many other functions.

The bemer mat is a different kind of concept, this is sending a wavelength and a signal and this wavelength is synchronized and has been actually measured on vascular lining the lining of your blood vessels to synchronize with vasodilation and constriction. So, the Bemer is helping with that dilation of your blood vessels. They've even put Bemer frequencies into the earth around patches of corn and soybean and flowers and vegetables. And they actually see that frequency improves the movement of the fluid of the plants. So that's a different technology.


“What is the difference between prebiotic and probiotic? Are both recommended?”


The differences in the probiotic are the actual bacteria or you know, the cultured bacteria like lactobacillus bifida bacteria especially, but there are many wonderful ones, there are hundreds, trillions of life forms in your gut, and it's very important to have them. So, these are the bacteria themselves. That's the probiotics. Probiotics are good bacteria, that help us with making vitamins, short-chain fatty acids, digestion, improving our immune system, and keeping other bad bacteria in check. Now, prebiotics, the pre, recommended, talking about what the bacteria eat. And they like to eat insoluble, rather soluble fiber. So, they'll be helping to chew up the fiber in your diet, especially soluble fiber and that's like inulin or artichoke meat, the meat of the artichoke that you skim off with your teeth, and so forth. So, that is what a prebiotic is and the probiotic is the bacteria. 


“My husband and I used your D3, quercetin, C, and zinc recommendations from the start of the pandemic. It was the best, and most timely, advice. My question is regarding my 87-year-old mother. She is quite fit and able, in body and mind, outside of requiring thyroid medication and regular injections into her eyes for macular degeneration. She eats well and walks daily. It is to do with the color of the whole skin on her hands. She is Caucasian, but the skin is kind of a dull yellowish hue, like turmeric, or even more like the color of tobacco or smoke stains (she does not smoke) She went to a nurse practitioner to see about it, but, (after seeing the results of blood/urine tests) he found nothing wrong and declared Mom to be in very good health. Her eyes are nice and white. (She does drink a lot of vegetable juice...carotene?) But her fingernails and the whole hand on both sides are distinctly yellowed. It has been this way for a few years.”


The vegetable juice is probably what’s doing it. Well, she’s taking a lot of carotenoids in her juicing and stuff. It’s harmless. So, I wouldn’t worry about it. 


“If someone has several tattoos for 20 years, do they constantly release heavy metals in the body for the rest of their life or do they stop after a while?


The answer is they constantly release their heavy metal toxins. 


“Also, if you get a tattoo removed, does the removal cause more heavy metals to be released into the body?”


I don't know if there are any studies on it. But the answer in my estimation would be yes. So yes, it does release all your life. And just like these amalgams that they would put in your mouth, these silver-looking fillings, made up of five different toxic metals, leak every time you bite, drink, or eat anything hot. So, yeah. 


“If you saw a patient with a thyroid T3 of 6.8, T4 1.92, TSH 0.005, thyroglobulin by IMA 124.7,

 Diagnosis thyroiditis with a multi nodule goiter, what would be your recommendation? Are these levels high enough that medication is required? Tapazol? Or can these levels be brought down with time and with holistic methods? The T3 was actually higher 6 weeks before at 7.3 so it has come down some without medication and only doing chelation and vitamin infusions. Or do you think it’s serious enough to have surgery or radiate the 1/2 thyroid gland that only exists? which means Medication for life. And stay away from iodine and biotin? Which have been options recommended by the endocrine surgeon.”


There is more that needs to go in there. Are they on thyroid already? Are they taking Armor? NP Thyroid? Are they on anything? I can’t say with just that amount of information. I need to know the age.

But with the elevated thyroid globulin, there is some autoimmune activity going on. But it sounds like it's chronic, gradual. There's nothing serious about any one of these numbers alone.

This is probably a leaky gut, an autoimmune attack on the thyroids. I would get food allergies, I would go on a rotation diet, or go on a carnivore diet. That’s the quickest and most complete food elimination and healing type of diet there is. Systemic enzymes help as well.

Well, under the care of her specialist, I would have to go with their advice. I would certainly get a food allergy and probably look for a leaky gut with a complete digestive stool analysis. I would probably go on the carnivore diet and after four weeks, or six weeks recheck these numbers and see if the T3 has come down even still. I don’t see any problem with using Biotin. I would have to see the person myself and do a full assessment, knowing the age. But if she’s under the care of the surgeon and feels that there is a concern there, she might need a fine needle biopsy. So, follow up with that. Get your functional medicine doctor to also chime in. Then hopefully these things can be added to figuring out how to help her. 


“How do you get the plague out of your arteries? I eat better now. But prior to being awake to the corruption of the food industry, I have accumulated some plague. CAC test shows the LAD number of lesions is 4, the MM3 volume is 161, and the calcium score is 201.”


Well, I would do chelation therapy and I would take vitamin D3 with K2, 180 micrograms. And I would eat a very low-carbohydrate diet. I would exercise. Don't smoke or anything like that. Drink plenty of water. And see your functional doctor for a good evaluation of chronic inflammation. Sugar mixed with carbohydrates and fat, which is what a donut is. Sugar mixed with carbohydrates, which is a cake. Sugar mixed with fat, you know, the oil. Every time I see anything that has fat mixed in with high carbs sugar is very bad. So, I would be very low carb. And I would just do chelation therapy and repeat the coronary artery calcium score maybe in two to three years. Because I don't think 200 is very elevated. It’s moderate. It’s at the low range of moderate elevation. Vitamin K2 is really probably best for that. 


“What is the most effective way to treat pneumonia?”


Well see your doctor and get on antibiotics because having an infection in your lung is a serious and potentially life-threatening issue. Your age, your general state of health, all these things are very important. The question is why did it happen? How is your general health? How old are you? Are you a smoker? What is your vitamin D level? Do you have vitamin C in your diet? Or are you taking that? Many, many questions that would be asked there. You can do a high-dose Vitamin C infusion or IV infusion of high-dose Vitamin C. But you would have to see your doctor and have that evaluated. 


“Is using cast iron pans a better choice for cooking? Are cast iron pans a significant risk for influencing iron levels in bloodwork? What should I look for as a sign of too much iron from cast iron cooking? Is chelation recommended for lowering iron in blood labs?”


Not traditionally but it does lower the iron. And so yes, I do chelation therapy. I have iron, you know, cast iron cooking pans myself. I also have stainless steel. And I have the cast iron that has the porcelain on it as well. So yes, you have to be thinking about the iron. Since I chelate, I don’t worry about it. I don’t know that it is a significant risk. But maybe once every year or two you can ask your doctor to run your iron levels. 


“My great-granddaughter who is three years old has had a cough for a few months. My granddaughter has taken her to the doctor a couple of times. They took x-rays and her lungs are clear. Just wondering what is causing her to cough, though maybe it is allergies. What are your thoughts? What do you recommend?”


You know, sometimes kids stick something up their nose, a pebble, a stone, some little part of a toy, and they don't complain about it. I would have someone look up her nose, and make sure she's getting air out of both sides. But even if she is getting you there could be something up there. And she's getting a post-nasal drip. You know, I remember that because when I was at ER doctor, we had a case like that. And we found that. And we were able to grab it up with a pair of calipers and remove it. And then the cough went away. So, she would have to have the upper airway evaluated and go to the pediatrician and have that checked out. Allergies would be another thing, get her blood type. A type blood tends to have more of the asthma and low by vitamin D levels. Quercetin is a nice natural thing to give to a child. Make sure she's drinking water and that juice. And give her some vitamin D, at least 1000 international units a day. I think Juice Plus for the children is excellent as far as an overall anti-allergy and healthy thing to do. So, if the mom got on Juice Plus, the child can get it free for four years. So, those are the directions I would have looked at.


“How long will it take for your new sleep product to work? And are four capsules necessary for results?”


Yeah, you have to use the four capsules. And you should see the improvement within a week or two. That's been my experience with it. 


 “Argenton silver sold at TLC safe for a baby and mom during pregnancy and nursing?”


Yes, they are safe. And we have used it on our grandbabies and our grandchildren. And 100% it is safe. 


“I am being told that my labs are tending towards primary immune deficiency, low total protein, low secretory IgA, and low globulins. I have some chronic low-grade infections and believe this and the above are stress-related over the years. Thoughts on how to optimize these markers and my overall immune system? I do all the things that you suggest with diet, movement, sleep, and water.”


I would check your vitamin D level and I would get your vitamin D level up to between 80 and 100. And I would check your zinc levels. And I would make sure that your fasting blood sugar is never higher than 85. I would make sure your fasting insulin is never higher than a four. That your triglycerides are in the 50s. And that your hemoglobin A1C is 5.2. And I would probably take the phospholipid powder which lines the gut that absolutely helps to heal any chronic leaky gut low-grade problems. And I would probably take some high-dose vitamin C drips, or take a very good vitamin C supplementation twice a day and see how that helps. Systemic enzymes will reduce inflammation as well. Find out your blood type and follow along with us. Work with your doctor on that. 


“Could you please share your thoughts about sunscreen? Do you recommend a daily facial sunscreen or moisturizer for anti-aging? What do you recommend for peds or adults? Which ingredients do you try to avoid?”


Well, in general, I use the Kokoro brand, which is a very low dose progesterone, which is very safe for children, elderly men, boys, and all that because we're born in a mother who is full of progesterone. So, the topical progesterone is very, very safe and effective for that. It's called Kokoro. A couple of pumps, four, five, eight pumps, whatever, however many it takes should be fine. 


“What are your thoughts on dry needling for neck pain? I did a session yesterday and I experienced severe dizziness and disorientation. It hasn’t subsided. My PT said she hasn’t experienced that before. Do you recommend turmeric for inflammation? If so, how much?”


We use Tureva, or the other one is called NRF2. It’s usually one or two capsules. It has the whole root in it, it’s very valuable as an anti-inflammatory.

I'm not exactly sure, because I'm not familiar with dry needling unless you're talking about acupuncture. I would follow up with your doctor about your experience with this dizziness after being needled around your neck. Sounds dangerous to me. 


“I have been on bioidentical hormones for a long time. I take one click of Estradiol cream each day. Day 14 and 28, a capsule of progesterone 200. What are the pros and cons if I only continue to take the progesterone 14 through 28 and not the one click of Estradiol each day? I felt my breast tissue was a bit over-sensitized.”


I think I would use the Estradiol every other day, throughout the whole month. So, use it the 1st, 3rd, 5th, the 7th, 9th, and so forth. And take systemic enzymes, drink plenty of water, and within a month, you should see improvement. 


“My primary care would like to put me on statins for mild atherosclerosis. I'm already doing chelation for toxic metals here at TLC. I am also taking four pills of Vitalzyme nightly. I understand there is a body of research that says Vitamin K2, 7 is showing real possibilities of reducing plaque. However, it might be interfering with anticoagulants. Would like more clarification. If K2 is a good addition, what dose, and blood levels should I be aiming for?”


No, they are not. They are two different kinds. That’s vitamin K1.

They do not really run routine K2 blood levels. So, that can’t be done. But Vitamin K2 is only from animal products. They are rich from eating the animal with several stomachs, like a cow. They will take in the grass, and the clover, and in each stomach in the fermentation, the production of Vitamin K2 is ultimately made. It gets into their meat and into their milk. So, eating the meat and milk raw is very, very beneficial.

Taking one or two would be an excellent protocol. I have been using this for years for the management of atherosclerosis along with chelation therapy along with a low-carb diet, along with exercise along with systemic enzymes. And I have many patients who have been put on Eliquis or Xarelto, and Plavix as well. There is no problem with them using the two together. I would use it. Yes, it seems very promising. 


“I have had tinnitus for at least a month. I have had it for some time but this is worse. Can you give some advice?”


I have actually seen that aggravated with all these mRNA injections that were given in the past two years. So, microvasculature irritation is usually the concern there with the spike protein and inflammation. So, for anything that just inflames you, drinking enough water, taking systemic enzymes, you could add curcumin or turmeric. We have ours, DeFlame, NRF2. Very low carb diet, EDTA chelation to improve the microcirculation, and have increased opening dilation and nitric oxide production. Those are the things I would say to do. But if it persists your doctor and have that worked out. 


“My husband is 89 years old, with low blood pressure, high blood calcium, a pacemaker (since 2020), and dementia. What do you recommend for his dementia that does not involve calcium intake or blood pressure lowering?”


Well, you know, of course, he should be seen by a good functional doctor. If he were coming here and I could see him I would start him on chelation therapy to improve the circulation to his brain, his eyes, and all the parts of his body. I would put him on a richer protein healthy fat diet. Low Carb, so the sugar and carbs don't clog up his capillaries. I would make sure he drinks enough water. It's always hard to get people to drink enough water. That's why I use a straw. I always drink more water when I have a straw. Just makes it a little more fun. And you take a larger bolus of water every time. The other thing is chelation therapy with enzymes. And then, more importantly, I probably put them on testosterone. I've had so many elderly people respond with better mentation, becoming more social, more vocal, more eye-to-eye contact, and family oriented so to say, by giving them hormones. Testosterone for him would be a wonderful thing. That's how I would begin. 


“You mentioned a connection between Vitamin C and sleep. But you couldn’t remember the exact name of the doctor that talked about it on YouTube.”


It was actually Vitamin D. I will look for this and write myself a note. I will get Dr. Gormek, I’m not sure of her name. Vitamin D and sleep. She is a neurologist. She’s been waking up to the functional medicine. If you type in YouTube on the search and put in Vitamin D and sleep. You should see her show. She has dark black glasses. She has light, blonder hair, always in a little crop. She looks to be about 64. I think her name is Dr. Gominak. 


“I have some bone deterioration and was diagnosed with osteopenia. I take 10,000 international units of vitamin D3 and have seen Life Extension has a high dose of K to 45,000 micrograms of vitamin K 2. Any problem with this amount of K?”


I think that 45,000 is a huge amount. I don’t feel comfortable saying-- I use 45 micrograms, 90 micrograms, 180, maybe up to 200 micrograms. I wouldn’t feel comfortable with that. And besides, osteopenia itself is not a bad number. It is Osteoporosis that would be more concerning to me. So, talk with your functional doctor about that. 


“I have a dear friend that just had a baby and was reading something that said that the series of different jabs for babies and kids have a lot of aluminum in them. Can you confirm this is true?”


That is a correct statement. Yes. Well, she should seek out a pediatrician who will discuss this with her. There is a book called, Dissolving Illusions. You can Google it. She is a nephrologist. And she did a tremendous workup. She uses the name, aluminum. The book Dissolving Illusions. You can Google right now and she will show you the graphs. They are famous for showing the absolutely horrific volume of aluminum they're putting in it. That will help her. Get informed. Look up Children’s Health Defense with Robert F Kennedy Jr's organization. He’s involved in this. Look up, Vaccine and National Vaccine Information Center, Barbara Fisher, and NVIC.org. Another one to look up is The High Wire with Dell Big Tree. He is part Indian so has his old Indian name. Those are wonderful shows to get informed with. They can hopefully postpone the schedule and delay it. That would be a healthy way to approach it until she is educated. 


“Is chelation crème applied to skin safe for a two-year-old?”


I know there have been studies on it and that’s for children with autism who had chelation. The answer is yes. It is a big molecule. It’s very hard to be absorbed transdermal. The rectal form is the one that I did research on. There was very good absorption. 


“My grandson has autism. My daughter is doing everything she can do to heal him and detox his body. Do you treat that in your office? Any recommendations?”


I would use the rectal suppositories. It comes as 375 milligrams for a child, that's like a toddler. And it'd be very, very beneficial along with a very good antioxidant, the Juice Plus series, and vitamin D, and then lots of probiotics, the gut is really hurt by all this aluminum, and these other elements. And so, a probiotic would be very important with vitamin D, and get away from all those sugars and get them eating healthy meats, fish, and chicken with a skin on it. Nothing deep fried, nothing with these seed oils in it. And yes, we look at these children here. So that would be a benefit. 


“What do you recommend as a natural remedy to treat vaginal yeast infections?”


Well, a very low carbohydrate diet. I don't know how old you are, but if you're postmenopausal having enough estrogen will help thicken the lining so you're not as sensitive, and that will help be a better barrier. And so, natural hormones are very beneficial. We use a trans-vaginally, and we can create estriol with testosterone, which helps with the muscle contraction for your Kegels down there. Drinking plenty of water. Having a good vitamin D level and Zinc supplementation and Vitamin C. All these things work together. But see your doctor and have a pelvic, work with your functional doctor and see if that would be something helpful. 


“Can you talk about perfect amino powder? My physical therapist told me that my pelvic floor muscles are weak and I need to strengthen my lower body.”


Well, perfect aminos are a proportion of the eight essential known amino acids. There are certainly more amino acids, but there are eight for sure that are essential. And they were developed in proportion by Dr. Minki. I think he’s 83 now. He has done weight training and he does the Ironman Challenge all the time, and triathlons. He has won all the gold medals for his age. He's in excellent shape. So, he developed this really for himself, then he let his patients use it. And then, who is the other doctor? It’s funny how you can see someone in the face, but can’t think of the name. He’s also a functional doctor. We use it and carry it because it’s a well-studied physician, clinician-researched item. You have to use something like that, like Kandra Flex and collagen, along with healthy lifestyles, water, low carb, stretching, and exercise. You have to use those things for approximately six months to get a perception and muscle-building time. Hopefully, that helps you.


“I have HHC and don’t use cast iron.”


It's escaping me what those three are referring to, but I think it's the Poli Sci Tamia or the high tendency to have higher red blood cell counts from high irons. And yes, men are going to be at higher risk for this. Women who menstruate are really not going to have much of a problem with it. So, I can that as an issue.