HomeBlog YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, June 27 2023

YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, June 27 2023

June 28, 2023


“I recently (2 months) started Lisinopril for blood pressure. Unfortunately, I'm getting the bad dry cough side effect. They tried Losartan and it didn't work well. I have a low pulse rate of 59-63, so beta blockers are not an option. Question, is there anything naturally I can do for the coughing side effects so I can stay on Lisinopril.” [02:25]


In general, this is difficult to manage to be quite honest. We would certainly hope that any other issues would be handled such as silent reflex, where acid will come up silently even without you knowing it or necessarily having heartburn. And using things like Glutagenics, GlutaShield, which is glutamine, zinc, vitamin A, phospholipid powders that we use. GlutaShield  SBI Protect, probiotics, these all help the esophageal lining and would hopefully make if it's anything to do are aggravated from your silent reflex. N-acetyl cysteine is a product that is natural, over the counter, and is used for the lung health as far as helping with expectoration and many of the issues of antioxidant protection of lung tissue. Being adequately hydrated. Taking things that are natural expectorants, Iodine helps with natural expectoration. But I don’t want to falsely make you think this is a clear-cut answer because in general there is no answer to the Lisinopril cough. Excess weight, losing weight. The other thing is making sure that you are not having sleep disturbances from trouble sleeping and breathing through your mouth at night would aggravate and promote coughing.

So, see your physician who ordered this. There is a prescription called, Tessalon Perles. These are 100 milligrams, I forget the biochemical name. But they've been around 40 years, I've been prescribing Tessalon Perles for the cough, the Lisinopril cough side effect for many years, and that tends to be successful. But it is a prescription product.  


“I was diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy on August 1, 2022, and the doctor prescribed Antiviral meds and steroids which I completed. Then received an ultrasound, laser, and electrical stimulation treatment from a physical therapist in September, October. Started acupuncture treatments in November and started treatments with PT who specializes in facial palsy. Symptoms of Bell’s palsy still not changing. Should I continue acupuncture, keep taking Chinese herbs and follow a plant-based diet with fish as recommended by the naturopathic/acupuncturist? Other options are facial reanimation surgery and putting a platinum weight in the eyelid to help the eyelid close. What treatments have been effective for those who have Bell’s Palsy?” [05:25 ]


I had it too. My right side of my face is a little more droopy. I had it in my 30s, about 12 weeks after, 10 weeks after I had my second baby by c-section in the military. So, I know what Bell’s Palsy is. 

Well, high-dose vitamin C is very valuable. But you have to understand the nerve damage means that the myelin sheath, the sheathing that goes around the nerve that conducts the electrical stimulation has been harmed. And that's only by eating a healthy building block for the membranes that have an injury through them that created the damage so when the trigeminal nerve came through, the signals were not coming through.

So, I would be on a carnivore-like diet, rich in phospholipids, chicken with the skin on it, roasted, nothing deep friend or a crust, you know like Kentucky Fried Chicken. But fish, egg yolks, eggs, pork, butter, seeds, and nuts (walnuts, pecans, flax seeds, almonds, sunflower seeds) have the phospholipids in them. We have that powder called which we mix with SBI Protect to help the lining and the body to absorb this to all of our nerves and stuff.

High-dose vitamin C improved it, microcirculation to the circulation surrounding everywhere in your body. If you did EDTA chelation along with phospholipids, along with a more carnivore diet, very low carb so you don’t clog up the tiny hairlike capillaries. I think that acupuncture will do better.

This was back when I was 30 when this happened to me, almost 40 years ago. Fortunately, I got better, but I think it's because 40 years ago, we ate so much better back then. There wasn't so many fast food, junk food, Pizza Huts, and stuff around to harm our diet as well either. So, that's what I would do. Chelation therapy, vitamin C, and phospholipids with the GlutaShield  SBI Protect powders. That would help you.  


“Do you have any suggestions for a 76-year-old woman (my wife) who is suffering from mental decline and insomnia as a result of long covid? She does not have dementia but has no desire to help herself is very stoic and claims she does not get any sleep. Any nutritional suggestions or any other information would be greatly appreciated.” [09:06]


I would say she should take vitamin D 10,000 with vitamin K2. So, it’s a combination of D K2 and vitamin D3K2. I would start with 10,000 capsules. And then I would use the methyl B complex that has the B5 in it. I would use a diet rich in healthy fats, that are very satiating. Again, it helps the brain calm down. I would use a multi-mineral that has magnesium, selenium, and calcium in it. We have the TLC MultiMin. So, minerals that are amino chelated. That only comes really from the Albion Source. That is what we use. The vitamin D, the B Complex. That would also go for the bell’s palsy. The phospholipids, the essential fatty acids for all cell membranes here, which is the little linoleic, and alpha-linoleic. It is called Clinician’s Preference Oils. That helps with calming the brain. Also, natural hormone replacement therapy, if you can find a natural physician, or a medical doctor who can prescribe estradiol and progesterone. It helps with sleep. 


“I’m seeing a new doctor and she would like me to take the hepatitis A vaccine. I didn’t say anything to her because I am not taking any vaccine because I don’t trust any of these vaccines out there today. She thinks that everyone should take the hepatitis A vaccine. What are your thoughts?” [11:14]


Well, hepatitis A is not really any risk to anybody. If one were to get it, it’s foodborne, and it has no long-term enduring problems. You'll get gastroenteritis, and diarrhea if you were to get it. And then normally, people heal without any treatment whatsoever. So why would you take a vaccine? And the likelihood of getting it is so remote and the potential side effects of the vaccine, I think, would be a considerable outweighing of the benefit of the vaccine to the potential damage of side effects. So that's how I would approach it. I think you're being very wise with the way you are addressing this. 


“Any knowledge of the Fatty Acid C15? There is a company in San Diego doing research on it and producing a supplement now called Fatty 15. www.Fatty15.com   

I have thought that you and Garth Nicholson were looking into “The Cell Danger Response” before Dr. Naviaux made the term popular with his research. Your solution was NT Factor, and this is to use the African Sleeping Sickness drug called Suramin, especially for autistic patients. Your thoughts on all this?” [12:24]


Normally fatty acids are in two-carbon, four-carbon, six-carbon, eight-carbon, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22. So, this C15 would be very new. I would be suspicious. I would have to look into that. Let me write that down. No, I haven’t heard of it. 

I am familiar with and have heard of Suramin. I would have to look it up. Right off the top of my head, at the end of a long day of work since being up from 5:30 and working all day, it’s not popping right to my forearm. It has been around for many, many years.

I have to say natural things like phospholipids that make up the membrane are coming out with power. I don't have a copy of this right now. But I just saw an article. I will have to bring it next week. I think it’s so valuable. It validates essentially what they are pointing out. Everything you hear about Omega 6 is bad and the ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 is much higher than the 3s. This is all balderdash. Because these people do not have enough chemistry, or biochemistry, and don’t understand that the vast majority of all the research on Omega 6 is discussing adulterated Omega 6. What do I mean by that?

All the animal foods, meats, fish, chicken, pork, eggs, and dairy, all these things have healthy, essential fatty acids, nuts, and seeds. When they are put into packaged food things like frozen dinners and such, they go through a process that hydrogenates the fats. And this is the fat, Omega 6 that is hydrogenated or adulterated. We have been consuming this ever since the 1960s. That's what my father would work on at Armour Food Research.

The long and short of it is, if you take hydrogenated fats and trans fats, you are going to damage all your cell members and you’re going to get sickness. Therefore, this research never clarifies if you look at the scientific papers, that they endeavored to deal with pure, the two double bonds of Omega 6 unadulterated. They just say it's an Omega 6, a certain length chain, and dealt with it as if the double bonds being saturated or not didn't matter. And so, the research coming out now makes it very clear that Omega 6, in and of itself, is very valuable in cell health and disease prevention cardiovascularly.

So, you have to understand, we have a corrupt system, we have undertrained our doctors, and they don't even grasp this. They do not have enough chemistry, or biochemistry to grasp this. So, that's really what the problem is. We are hydrogenating everything. And our cells have to have Omega 6. You have to have it. It is an essential fat. And you have to have Omega 3. But not EPA and DHA. Those are not essential fats. We can make them ourselves out of our own. The linoleic Omega 6 and the alpha-linoleic acid, Omega 3, are what we get from eating the meats, the egg yolks, the fish, the nuts, and seeds.

I will have to look at that and get back to you next week. 


“I have Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism. Been taking Synthroid for years. Is there any way to naturally restore my thyroid so I can come off this medication?” [17:38]


My general experience is once you've harmed your thyroid with an autoimmune attack, it's just like a joint that has been eaten up with arthritis. It is very unlikely that it will get repaired. Nevertheless, over the years and depending on your age, and how motivated you are, I have seen a few people come off of it with a very gut-healing phospholipid repair to the lining of the gut, food elimination, and identification of offending foods, and giving the iodine. These things have helped greatly. So, there is some hope. I would see a functional doctor who is familiar with how to use these therapies and see if that can be a help to you. 


“Can you explain why a person without heart issues, has high blood pressure? And does anxiety cause fluctuations and spikes in high pressure? So do you treat the blood pressure or the anxiety?” [18:49]


It's a very good question. And the answer is, stress and high cortisol moments aggravate your cardiovascular, endothelial lining, and the smooth muscle into the lining around the blood vessel, smooth muscles. And the fight or flight constriction, epinephrine surge, the cortisol surge, all of this leads to hypertension. Lack of water, lack of exercise, microdamage from the higher blood sugars, and usually chronic stress will generate chronic cortisol which creates that stress fight or flight response, and the vasoconstriction. Epinephrine dominance and sympathetic dominance will drive up the blood pressure. It will ultimately lead to actual heart disease because the heart will be pumping against a higher resistance in the vasculature.

We would want to try and get 150 minutes of exercise every week, lots of water, use your salt to taste and get a good night’s sleep. Lack of sleep aggravates the cortisol response. Have a set bedtime routine and stick to it. So, you go to bed, shut off your electronics, and go to rest. Get up at the same time, have your water set out for the morning, maybe some of your minerals, and magnesium, and then do your exercise. 150 minutes is like 30 minutes five times a week of a brisk walk. You have to exercise. And then, low carb, because the high sugar will damage the endothelial lining creating oxidative stress and vasoconstriction and damage to the delicate membranes here lining the inside of your little arteries and capillaries.

So, yes, you are absolutely right, stress can do that. So, treat the anxiety, and then maybe the blood pressure will come down. Of course, if your blood pressure is very high, you will have to do both had the same time and take something to relieve that as well.


“Is there an alternative way to do a glucose test? I’m in my 2nd trimester and due for the test but hesitant to do it due to my age. I’m 41 years old and might have preeclampsia since I was checked with a high bp in one of my monthly appointment. They asked me to drink aspirin and still didn’t do it thinking it was just a one time and when they checked it again for the second time my bp was already normal.” [21:39]


You need to stay under the care of your OBGYN. I don’t know the specific situation. But you have to be well hydrated. You need your walks. And you need your bedtime sleeping. But you need to eat whole natural food.

We are here with all our pregnant ladies, we give them Juice Plus for the antioxidants, we give them vitamin D 10,000 international units with K2, and we give them Iodoral 12.5-milligram tablets once a day. We give them the TLC Energy Core, which is a multi-mineral vitamin. We believe that is a core base. We also recommend the Clinician’s Preference Oils. That’s the linoleic and the alpha-linoleic acids.

I personally do not ascribe to challenging someone with a high blood sugar drink and doing a glucose tolerance test on it. I think you can be just tested with fasting insulin, fasting triglycerides, fasting hemoglobin A1C, and a fasting glucose. And there's no need to add more sugar to your body to see if you have a problem with sugar. So, it seems like an oxymoron to do that. But that's my opinion. That's what I think of the glucose tolerance test. I haven't used that in 30, 40 years. Foolishness in my opinion.


“I did 1500 mg EDTA on Thursday along with 1500 mg glutathione and 20g vitamin C. Ever since my body, face, tongue every extremity is tingling and numb. Can you please advise as to why EDTA would cause this and how to fix it?” [24:13]


Well, I've never prescribed a glutathione with an EDTA suppository together with vitamin C. I suppose that was the vitamin C as well. I would say that this should clear itself up. We are talking four days ago, I don’t think they are necessarily related. I don't know your background, your age, your situation, your prior situations. But glutathione is going to be used up immediately, the EDTA will be gone, normally the half-life is about six to eight hours, even with the recirculation if you are doing the suppository or an IV (I don’t know which one). I would certainly recommend that you take your multi-mineral, TLC MultiMin, or any good amino acid, or chelated mineral. Plenty of water, exercise, and follow up with your doctor because I don't have an answer for this tingling sensation that you're feeling. But I don’t think it has anything to do with the glutathione or the EDTA chelation or the vitamin C. 


“When to use electrolytes and which is the best one to use? Also, have had gallbladder flare-ups. I really don’t want to remove my gallbladder unless it’s necessary. How to calm it down? With cleanse maybe? [26:09]


Well, electrolytes are your potassium, your sodium, and your chloride. These are salts, ions that are very important across the cell membrane for the potential, electrical potential, and activities. So, sea salt, and Himalayan salt, these are very typical good salts to use. Just make sure you drink enough water.

The fats in our diet will cause cholecystokinin and the contraction of the gallbladder to squirt out so that it can help emulsify the fat as it passes through your gastrointestinal system for absorption and management until you have a bowel movement. So, you would want to be cautious about the amount of fat in your diet. And you might, if you're older, take a supplement that has ox bile in it, Ortho Digestive enzymes, and digestive enzymes will help ease this. A fast will do far more than any cleansing out there. I just don’t support cleanses. I would suggest that you do a fast. When you feel a GI upset, I would recommend the ox bile and your digestive enzyme when you eat. A very low-carb diet, watching your fats. So, maybe the leaner meats, chicken, or turkey would be a better choice than a fatty prime rib or something. And maybe limit the butter you use. That should help you. 


“If I take some systemic enzymes early before my time to get up, how long should I wait to take my thyroid medication? Or if I take my thyroid medication on waking, how long should I wait before taking systemic enzymes?” [28:24]


You can take them together. I have always taken my thyroid with my systemic enzymes. They do not conflict. You do not have to worry about that. Take them together.

So, once again, taking them together is fine.  


“My Dad has been experiencing neck pain for over two months. The back of his neck is stiff, he is unable to turn his head without discomfort. He tried DMSO only for a couple of days, it did not help. Can you suggest any other things he should try?” [28:56]


Well, I would ask you know, did trauma generate this? Did he just sleep with it wrong? Sometimes a virus can create what we call Torticollis. Torticollis is where you get rye neck and it's very stiff and hurts. So, if it was right with a viral cold, antiviral high dose Vitamin C helps, a high dose systemic enzymes like the other patient was just asking about when to take them, if you took systemic enzymes on an empty stomach, and we're saying take like six or eight of them on an empty stomach twice a day, tons of water. You could take in some magnesium. You could use moist heat at this point and you could use some massage therapy. This should be a great help to relax with magnesium and dis-inflame with all the enzymes. Have him see a doctor of course. As long as there wasn’t any trauma, but if there was trauma, he should be seeing a physician to do x-rays and stuff.

As we get older, we get little calcification, lipping you call it, on the little vertebrae and their sets. They start to get dirty, rusty, and it pulls on the muscles. It creates irritation and inflammation. So, lots of water. Lots of minerals, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. And then the high dose of systemic enzyme and massage with moist heat. And then if not, see your doctor, get some physical therapy, and work with it that way.


“How would you manage this thyroid issue? Even with increasing the dosage of T3 from 5mcgs to 15 per day, the T3 lab report continues to show borderline readings. The patient is also on Levoxyl 88 micrograms. The T4 is in the approved range and the TSH is 0.45. The T3 is compounded at a very reputable pharmacy.” [31:07]


Let’s see, I would let the T3 levels be as high as 5 or 6 micrograms per deciliter. I would push the T3. We are undoing the T3. The lab ranges are too low for T3. I would feel very comfortable as long as they don’t have resting tachycardia, a history of A-Fib, or any serious heart disease, and not have diarrhea from it, and are not timorous. I would let the Free T3 dosing go up to 25 micrograms a day. And then, recheck the Free T3. As long as it is under 6 micrograms per deciliter and no symptoms, I think you are doing fine. 


“I was wondering about combating UTIs. I get one every couple of years. I can always tell when one is about to come on. What is your recommendation for a holistic approach.” [33:00]


Well, having one urinary tract infection every couple of years is not considered a really chronic urinary tract infections. Usually, we're talking about having a few in every year. So, I’m glad that it is that rare.

The other thing is, I would say is there is Cranberry Extract, Uritractin is a brand name that we use. You can get it over the counter. Plenty of water. And try to avoid oxalate-high foods. That is like spinach and kale. You can Google what high-oxalate foods are. If you see you are eating them, many people think they are healthy foods. But some of us are very sensitive to this and this is your cystitis-type chronic bladder irritation patient, these tiny calcium oxalate stones irritate the bladder. And it’s often misinterpreted as a bladder infection. So, I would stay away from oxalate-rich foods. I would drink plenty of water. I would take cranberry extract. And then D Mannose is a type of non-absorbable plant sugar that is Cystatine. One is the D Manno sugar that helps to prevent any bacteria from adhering to the lining of the bladder, and urinary tract there. So, those are the things I would do. And follow up with your doctor if those things certainly don’t help you. 


“I got my 87 yr old mom switched to transdermal estrogen months ago, but she never took progesterone after having a hysterectomy. Could Kokoro cream be helpful for her health?” [35:42]


I usually never like to give estradiol separate from progesterone. So, I would use the progesterone cream for three weeks on, one week off, and three weeks on. And use it as a moisturizer. It is very safe. I have used it for 35 years, Kokoro cream. And I rub on four pumps, six pumps. I put it on the arms and the extensor surfaces of the leg, shins, calves, and thighs to moisturize. I think that will be very beneficial. 


“I’ve had an earache in my left ear. I’ve tried hydrogen peroxide and Argentin 23. Do you have any advice?” [36:45]


It could be your tooth. It could also be your temporomandibular joint. So, unless you had some cold or something, you could try taking systemic enzymes like Vitalzym or the Vascuzyme. Use five or six on an empty stomach, two or three times a day. If you see a dramatic improvement then you know, that has to do with the joint they're right at the ear canal, which would make you ache there. So, that might be it. Because normally Argentyn will solve that problem.

Otherwise, fasting for 24 hours should help heal it quickly. And then, see a doctor if none of those things help. 


“I'm in the Midwest with an air quality danger warning from the smoke from Canada. Is there a detox I can do for me and my family?” [37:49]


Well, what I would do is get those HEPA filters in your house. I don’t know the name of it. But there is a military product that has become civilian available. And the only place I know to locate it is the veteran who is marketing this, Steven Bannon War Room. There he talked about this very high-quality military-grade anti-particulate, toxic chemical, the biological and radiological value of high caliber. So, if you go on to Steven Bannon War Room, org or com, I’m not sure. You go to search their store and you can find it there.

Now, the other thing is, smoke has mercury in it. And you might want to look at EDTA chelation therapy. Another thing would be using antihistamines that are natural, like stinging nettles, n-acetyl cysteine, and bromelain. The Ortho Molecular company has put out a product called D-Hist, which is a powerful anti-histamine as well. That is where I would start.

Of course, an air filter, natural antihistamines, and detoxing with EDTA chelation therapy. You’d have to go to ACAM.org. There is a lot in the Midwest. That should not be difficult for you to find. That is where chelation was developed, in Michigan initially. The Great Lakes Academy for the Advancement of Medicine, GLA CAM was the original name of ACAM because it started in Michigan.


“What do you think about the generic vaccines for children mumps, measles, etc? Nowadays autism is rampant, I wonder why. If you were to vaccinate a child, which vaccine would you choose?” [40:59]


Well, I wouldn't. And I avoid those. I don't have a pediatric practice. I never have. Because I never believed that they needed them. And there has never been any adequate testing for them. It's always a blurred vaccine group with a variation compared to another vaccine group. They never look at the children who are a pure control without any vaccinations.

Now, the Amish stand out as the healthiest without health care problems, autism, and various other chronic disease factors in their children. Of course, they don't use any of it.

And there was Dr. Rose, I think, was his name up in Oregon, a pediatrician, and he started delaying or spacing out vaccinations. And then, there was a certain group of patients that came to him because he was trying to do more natural things. So, he attracted those kinds of mothers. He developed a large population of parents with children who chose not to use vaccination. So, he tracked them. And he wrote a paper, a publication on the unvaccinated children in his State of Oregon, I believe he's from there or maybe Washington. I think his name is Dr. Rose. He’s a pediatrician. And it was dramatic. I think it was a 15-year period of time he did this observation of all these children that were unvaccinated. They didn't have the doctor visits, they didn't have the antibiotics, the allergies, the neurological disorders, the autoimmune disorders, compared to the standard rate of 72 vaccinations by the age of 18. So, what did they do? They took his license to practice away in Washington. So, he was attacked. Maybe you can look it up, a pediatrician from Washington or Oregon, license was taken away for publication of non-vaccination of children versus vaccinated children. It’s very famous. I don’t remember the name. The link is here: Oregon Medical Board Order of Emergency Suspension.  

And of course, you can read a book called, Dissolving Illusions by Dr. Suzanne Humphries. Dr. Suzanne Humphries was a nephrologist, and physics major at Stanford. She had all the fancy accolades and markers. She went on to medical school, then her internal medicine, then her subspecialty in nephrology. She found that the routine flu vaccinations were harming her patients and aggravating kidney failure. And so, she saw that this became mandated by the hospital and she fought it and they fired her and they kicked her out. So, she has written the book, Dissolving Illusions. She has hundreds of graphs in there looking at all the communicable diseases from the late 1700s, through the 1800s throughout the world. Doctors have been tracking infectious diseases, you know, polio, and smallpox, and tuberculosis for hundreds of years. And you will see that the vaccine introductions really start in the 1960s. But we had already seen a drop off in smallpox and polio and others, measles, mumps, and rubella. They were all going away. You know why they thought they were going away, better sanitation, better nutrition. Past 1920, ’30 in the United States, peace, better farming, better hygiene, and sewer sanitation, the diets improved, the nutrition of children went up, and their immune systems improved. You will have to see this book and the original images of the research showing this malarkey that vaccines have saved the world. It’s a bunch of malarkey to use the word that Biden likes to use so much. And we were already without need of these interventions with good health and nutrition. 

Follow-Up to [6/20/23] [47:25]

The OligoScan that was asked about last week, it is a system that looks at a patch of your skin, spectraformorphically is without invading you and getting a scientific scan of about four millimeters of your skin as to what is in it as far as your mineral content, toxic minerals. The only problem is, the first, you know, millimeter roughly is all of these dead cells, which is the corneum stratum of the skin layer. I’m not impressed with it. I’m not impressed with the OligoScan. Not that this technology should not be used and developed more and more. But as far as to the authenticity of intercellular mineral content, I’ll go for a blood sample of a red blood cell than spectraformorphically assay compared to any spot reading on your skin where the machine goes right over it. 

Follow-Up to [6/20/23] [48:40]

And someone asked about methylene blue. Methylene blue is a small molecule, rich in nitrogens that is an antioxidant. But it has unique properties to be both an electron receiver and donor. And this used as like a half a milligram dose per drop, you know, maybe up to two milligrams a day, sublingually or in your mouth, has been associated with improved mitochondrial function. And there are studies on this. Post-COVID, even the FLCC has been using methylene blue as another powerful antioxidant. I haven’t used it. I haven’t really needed it. I think rather than trying to find miracle molecules, we need healthy, dedicated lifestyles.

That's methylene blue, I haven't used it. It is on the FLCC COVID long haul and recovery.

Follow-Up to [6/20/23] [49:47]

Then someone asked me if I knew about Dr. Bruce Fife. He is a doctor that has done a lot of research on coconut oil. I am in favor of coconut oil. I looked into the work. I think most of the benefits are best with coconut oil he is moving people away from adulterated, hydrogenated linoleic Omega 6 fats. So, as you reduce your exposure to processed foods, you are going to see a lot of benefits. I actually think I have not read his books, so I can’t go into depth, but this is what I am assuming from my cursory review of quick quips that people have said and quotes from his books. 

Follow-Up to [6/20/23] [50:35]

Then there was someone who asked me about Nobs tooth tablets. All I could find on that is that it is a dye stain that a dental hygienist uses. It is a solution or tablet you chew and wherever plaque is on your teeth it will attach to those cells. You can see how well you brush your teeth, and how good your oral hygiene is. That is the only thing.

If that is what they wanted to comment on, I’m not against it. I’m not necessarily for it. I’m for a soft toothbrush, brush twice a day minimum every day. 


“I am having pain down the side of my left leg. I had a lymph massage yesterday and I wonder if this could be the reason. Ideas to help? Outside, no redness.” [51:44]


So, the iliotibial band is the most common from your ischial tuberosity. From your pelvic bone attaching to the outside of your distal femur is the iliotibial band. That is the most common cause of outside lateral pain, especially after a massage. That is where the little tendon inserts are. This can be aggravated after a massage.

If you bring your leg across or the other one and that aggravates that as if you are over-crossing your leg, then you know indeed this is the iliotibial band. Lots of water, a warm bath, stretching, and the systemic enzymes are what I would use. It should be better with doing that within a day. It should not get any worse.

If it gets worse, then it has to be seen. But it should progressively improve after the massage day by day. And use those enzymes. That is what I would suggest on that.