HomeBlog YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, June 20 2023

YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, June 20 2023

June 22, 2023


“Is there anything that can help with "Lisinopril" cough? I've been on it for 6 weeks. I hate to change Rx because it is working so well. I can't take Beta-Blockers and Losartan didn't lower my BP. Is there a supplement that can help with the cough? I read iron might help with cough.” [02:52] 


I have never seen an alternative intervention with the known side effect that hits maybe about 8% of people on Lisinopril. It is a standard medication. I have used it when I have patients with blood pressure. And I'll often start with Lisinopril. So, I don't have that answer for you.

It is a neurologically triggered we believe situation and then to go searching for something neurologically that would trigger it, I just have never seen it. I've been practicing for 41 years and Lisinopril it's been around almost all that time that I've been practicing medicine. This is a challenge friend and I feel for you. But I just don't have the answer. for that.

I'm going to make a note to myself and see if there's anything in the recent, you said iron. So, Lisinopril, cough, prevention, any alternative treatments. That’s one that I will be checking up on and see if I can get something next week for you. 


“I’m a 53-year-old woman that has struggled with 20 lbs that I just can’t seem to keep off. I’ve tried everything and have lost it and have somehow seemed to find it again and again. I just discover you and your YouTube videos and I think it was the answer to my prayers that I was looking for. I’m curious about starting the carnivore diet, what is the best resource for that and how would one get started?” [04:52]


Well, 53 is a time when we're all starting to go usually into menopause for women. When I first started practicing medicine in the 1970s, women were much older entering into menopause. They would menstruate easily all the way through their 40s and it was in the 50s when we began to start seeing the end of their menstrual cycles. I even had some women on their own, reach to 60, 61 still menstruating. So, there are some issues with the stress, the pollutants, the challenges, and one of the things that I think our an issue is the stress, the cortisol. Remember, cortisol is a hormone that we make and it is a steroid hormone. It is an anti-inflammatory, immune-suppressive type of hormone. And if we're under constant stress, this is associated with weight gain. Not to excuse the high carbohydrate, the sugar drinks, the pollutants, the obesogenic chemicals that are in our diet, in processed foods, dyes, and even the excess antibiotics and the fluoride, destroy our healthy gut biome, the good bacteria. And now there is an association that there are certain bacterial balances in a healthy gut bowel microbiome that is associated with maintaining a healthy weight, as well as protecting you from disease.

It's interesting, even with concerns about COVID, there is Sybil Hasan, here in South California, I think she’s in the Ventura area. She is a gastroenterologist. She wrote the book, Let’s Talk SH’T. In that book, she talks about doing stools studies on families that had COVID, and those in the family that didn’t have symptoms stayed well and found that there was a distinct healthier microbiome in these people. Much higher bifidobacteria. And so, then the bifidobacteria was followed those that were ill and once they recovered, they saw the bifidobacteria start to come back as we recover. They did studies on age groups, and they find that with age bifidobacteria declines. And so, that is a stress to us. And the association with fecal transplants, you can have a healthy, thin person in the family and get a fecal transplant from their person into the obese person. And then, you'll find the obese person spontaneously starts to lose weight, or vice versa an obese person has a healthy stool, or allegedly so, then another person gets a fecal transplant and starts to gain weight.

So, this whole microbiome is the new frontier of health care and longevity, but also in managing weight. And so, we here do a multi-front addressing of this, usually, everyone with age gains some weight. We highly tie that with cortisol. And of course, a carnivore diet is going to greatly support stopping any sugar, fructose sugar, starch sugar, or insulin impact for holding on to fat, allowing the fat cells to release their stores of triglyceride and to use it for energy.

I would go on to YouTube and I would look up a Dr. Fang. I think his first name is Jason. He is from Toronto, Canada. He is doing a lot of work on the ketogenic diet, the carnivore diet. There is an Australian YouTube site called Low Carb Down Under and this is with Dr. Paul Mason and Dr. Chaffee. These are names of very famous, you might say in the YouTube medical research world on low carb. There is a book by Judy Cho, Carnivore Cure. You can order from Amazon. Judy Cho is not a doctor though she's a nutritionist. But her book is very, very good and gives you many many resources. Simply we should be able to just eat protein, meat, fish, chicken, turkey, beef, lobster, shrimp, crab, and eggs, and do quite well with that. 

There are other factors like your blood type. If you're a blood type A, you might have more trouble digesting fats and you would need a digestive enzyme with bento and hydrochloric acid. If you don't have a gallbladder or you have your older bile production to help us manage the fat in your diet, you might need the ox bile, which is in Ortho Digestzyme from Ortho Molecular. Those are some resources. 


“Would you please explain what SBI Protect does? At your recommendation, I've recently added it to the other powders (Glutagenics, NT Factor Energy Lipids, Vitality C, and Opti-Mag Neuro at night) I mix into warm water first thing in the morning and before bed, along with Vascuzyme and some other supplements.” [12:09]  


SBI Protect is a serum bovine immunoglobulin. When our saliva, when we secrete saliva, it's rich in a general defense immunoglobulin called Secretory IgA. This immunoglobulin A is your very first immune antibody kind of immunoglobulin that helps you drench your food if you chew it, not in a rush. We Americans tend to eat fast and on the go. But serum-derived bovine immunoglobulins are in that, this is from grass-fed New Zealand A2 type cows and it is a very, very valuable material. And this helps protect the immune system along the entire lining of your gut, especially the first part of it. It provides you with these immunoglobulins as an immune defense. If you have a broken down lining, if the lining of your gut has the membrane with holes poked in it from acid reflux, you need to fill it here into a nice bilipid layer. Those holes allow bacteria and things to get through to it. So, immunoglobulins are going to be a great help to you during the healing process.

The other things you are taking, NT Factor Energy Lipids (phospholipids), which is a high-dose way to get those fats right to the site of the injury there so you can repair it more quickly. If you have heartburn, acid reflux, things like that. That’s in our phospholipids formation called NT Factor.

Vitality C is just Vitamin C. Opti-Mag Neuroo is basically just a powdered magnesium chelate. Glutagenics is a glutamine. I think it's got vitamin A in it. I think it's got zinc in it and maybe some aloe, but that's been around for 40 years, I've been using something like that for my patients instead of instead of H2 blockers for many, many years. And our people swear by it. So, phospholipids are wonderful. But where do you get these naturally? You get it from eating meat, fish, egg yolks, chicken with the skin on it, pork, all those wonderful things.


“Wondering if you have any knowledge of the OligoScan? (Oligoscan.net) Would it be something TLC would consider adding to test patients for intercellular levels of minerals and heavy metals?” [15:28]


Well, we have something already. It is called Red Blood Cell Toxic Mineral Screen. The Spectro-Cell is an antioxidant assay and a vitamin nutrient micronutrients and minerals that we do. So, we have been for close to 40 years. We have been doing inside the red blood cell evaluation of minerals and looking at their antioxidant, physiologic defense, their vitamin D, the vitamin E, and vitamin A levels. Their COQ10, glutathione, and all these. It is the Red Blood Cell Minerals, the Spectro-Cell. The other is called CMA, I don't know what CMA stands for right off the top of my head. But that's another scan that does the minerals as well.

I've never heard of OligoScan. That is something I will take a check on. Maybe next week I will have information on it. But you have to understand, I want to see everyone get involved in preventive medicine, stop trying to see 50 people a day and instead, see 8 or so, see them well, and talk to them, and examine them. Looking at these things and trying to pull together a healthy plan and device for their unique body to heal, restore their health, or to stay well. As I see these other companies develop, like OligoScan, they may be good. They may be very good. I have to be open to that. But right now I have been doing this for decades and decades, I have seen them come and go. I have seen science to be questionable.

And many times, the standard hospital, standard doctors, clinics, and medical schools will say that these are superfluous labs, it has no real impact, these alternative tests. Well, I can tell you, the ones that I use do make a difference. And yes, we do need to get money into helping us get more and more published so we can get these facts out there. But of course, if it doesn't make you a lot of money or the pharmaceuticals, then can you imagine Fauci ever directing something like that to happen? 


“Can you explain how to strengthen the retina? Also, can explain how cataracts are formed?” [18:37]


In a sense, this is learning how to reduce oxidative stress. Remember, if I have radiation hit a cell membrane light like they're in your eye, if you look directly at the sun, you're going to get a burn there. So, oxidation is to say burn, combining with oxygen, or free radical, unstable electron species. The other thing would be to say, if you don't eat enough meat, fish, turkey, chicken, beef, rich and these phospholipids to repair every night. That is to say, if you don't go to sleep on time, if you don't get a good night's sleep, if you don't drink enough water, if you clog up all your capillaries with sugar, starch, and fruit sugar, smoothies and lattes and sugar drinks and pasta some bagels and crackers and pizzas and candies, then you're going to not have capillaries that can bring this wonderful healing building block there. And you will have that burn, that damage persist.

So, people who live well and live long tend to be people who are self-disciplined. They take personal responsibility for their health. They drink the right amount of water, half their weight and pounds as ounces every day. They honor going to bed at a healthy time, the early to bed early to rise. You know, Benjamin Franklin said, “Makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” It has a lot of significance and meaning to it.

The other thing is you have to be eating the building blocks and they're frightening you away from all these healthy foods that are trying to have industrialized farming. They're ripping the topsoil of all its nutrients. They're switching iodine to Bronwyn, they're fluoridating the water, they're chlorinating the water, they're stressing us with electromagnetic energy. All these things create damage to our cornea, the clear lens there, which is like the glass that helps in diameter expanding contract to focus near versus focusing far.

So, we use EDTA chelation therapy. And we find that people who chelate, who use EDTA chelation do tremendously well on all levels of health. It is an all-cause mortality, risk reducer. If you get better tiny capillary microcirculation all parts from your brain to your toe, including the back of your eyeball and your cornea is going to be able to get better rinsing perfusion of your blood, waste removal, and bringing healthy nutrients to it. You have to get vitamin A into your diet. And you have to take healthy antioxidants. I use the Juice Plus series and these are 30 different fruits, vegetables, and vitamins that have tremendous amounts of polyphenols and many other tremendous oxidants. Again, remember we are roasting. We are 98.6 degrees, we are slowly cooking over the course of 80 years of living. When the bell goes off, the oven is opened up, and we die. If we don’t take care of ourselves, we die early. Others of us who keep enough water cooling our systems, keeping the pumping going with exercise, getting good rest for restoration and sleep, maybe some of us can make it fully functioning to our 100th birthday. 


“I recently found out that I carry the MTHFR gene mutation, which explains a little bit why I've had a variety of issues, extreme fatigue and brain fog ranking highest. I'm a patient at your practice, and after labs, it was recommended I take Methyl B12, Vitamin D, iron, and a few other supplements from your shop. I'm so grateful for your practice as my issues seem to be under control and my fatigue is gone!

My question is, do you have any insight or information into nanosized zeolite for gently detoxing heavy metals from the body, particularly for people who carry the MTHFR mutation, as well as benefits from using Fulvic Acid to help support the detoxification process? Additionally, would taking zeolite affect the absorption/benefits from Methyl B12, Vitamin D, and Iron supplements.” [22:29]


I've known about zeolite for almost 20 years. And zeolite is like a volcanic ash mineral it's got a three-dimensional construction that has an electric coating charge you might say, it carries. It attracts the positive metal, lead, mercury, aluminum, cadmium, and arsenic, and then it’s caught up in it. Then it is pooped and peed out.

Now how good is this? I have not seen sufficient studies on human beings, even anecdotally, that would suggest it is a powerful chelator of toxic materials, heavy metals. I'm not denying that it doesn't do some good, just like a high dose of Vitamin C is a chelator to some degree. Cilantro, chlorella, and garlic, these are all somewhat chelators. But alone and given the volume we have, it is not effective enough.

What is the premium heavy metal removed? With 70 years of experience, 70 or 80 countries plus have used it for these 70 years, hundreds of millions of doses and safety records given to children to save them from lead toxicity, from eating lead-based chips, chewing and teething on cribs painted with lead is EDTA chelation therapy, hands down. Doctors know about this. And it is FDA approved for lead. It goes right into the bloodstream with an IV. It is a broad spectrum. It will reduce mercury. It will take out gadolinium from your MRI scans, and CT scans. It will take out the aluminum, the arsenic, all these things across the board. And it is EDTA chelation. I have never seen it do anything but help human beings. It doesn’t pull out healthy nutrients. It is dedicated to these heavy metal toxins. I have never seen a mineral deficiency from it, that is another wife’s tale. It would only help with improving microcirculation. EDTA improves even sexual function and vascular flow dynamics during erection. It works through nitric oxide protection, nitric oxide synthase is enhanced so that there's more nitric oxide produced and better perfusion. So, that's what I would say there.


“What are your thoughts on Methylene blue, and (2) Do you know of a clean, metal-free source?” [06:55]


I'm looking into that right now. I'm actually looking at some research on it. Because this is the second or third question on methylene blue. It's been around for years. I mean, even when I was little, in my early 20 starting medicine with methylene blue, dyes, things like that were all around. I’m going to get back to you on that.

I’m working on a big, big project, besides working full time and being up and working since 5:30 this morning to be here on Tuesdays. I’m a busy lady. But I thank the Lord for all he gives to me. But fortunately, my big product is slowly coming near to an end and maybe I will have more time. But I will get back to you on that. 


Can you please shed some light on how to deal with postpartum thyroiditis? And what is the best solution for this? Why is this happening to me? In my case, twice after birth.” [28:05]


We believe that postpartum, having a baby in you, 50% of that DNA of the baby is from the father and it’s foreign. And so, God uses in the placenta, the very special cells covering it that helped protect the mother from attacking the baby with her immune system because it is different. But it's still a stress. The woman's body is on alert on so many levels during pregnancy. And she gains weight, her cortisol goes up, and she can become what we call developing leaky cell membranes. When that happens there, especially when we tend to eat foolishly when we're pregnant, we think it's fun, and we want pickles, and ice cream, peanut butter, and bacon. So, we have these strange habits. It’s encouraged. In fact, all this stress on the gut on top of carrying a baby is dangerous. We would suggest it is the gut cell membrane injury from food sensitivities because of the stress of the baby and carrying it that breaks it down more easily. And then your immune system sees this breach and soldiers you sort of say, the immunoglobulins become slap-happy, and they start shooting at anything and everything. And one of the things you know they start attacking is the thyroid. It is one of the most common things. It's most common. Usually, I have found clinically in my O-type blood patients. It would be interesting if you let us know next week if your blood type is O. It can happen to the other blood groups, but mostly O.

What would I do? You know how we were talking about that phospholipid powder with the SBI Protect? I would do that with a powerful probiotic, Ortho Biotic 100, or the Probiotic 225 powder. And I would use that twice a day to get a rapid healing of the lining of your gut and see your doctor and recheck your antibodies, thyroid peroxidase, and thyroid globulin antibodies. And see if that isn't making a quick reduction immediately to help protect your thyroid. But this is an autoimmune through the leaky gut due to the leakiness so to say of pregnancy through cell membranes from the stress of carrying the baby and that being 50% foreign DNA so your whole immune system is off. And very often it gets hyperreactive and can attack other tissues of you know the joints, rheumatoid arthritis, nerves, and so forth. And this is not uncommon. Hopefully, that helps.


“Your thoughts on castor oil compresses?” [31:59]


I’m not against them. And I do know that castor oil is supposed to have a drying effect. There is an osmotic and electrochemical action that is very, very powerful in these packs, especially if they're warmed and placed on an ailing part of the body so that it'll enhance circulation. Castor oil tends to have vitamin A in it, and it tends to have vitamin D in it, and those are both supportive of repair for the immune system, pretty much anywhere in the human body. So, you can make a strong argument for the value of castor oil packs. 

Now, I would suggest water. This is as important. I would suggest eating a low carb, starch, carbohydrate, fruit sugar, getting rid of the smoothies, getting rid of the sugar drinks, getting rid of the late-night eating, and getting into eating more foundational building blocks like your meat, your fish, your chicken, your pork, your eggs, and things like this that your body needs. And I would never buy packaged food. And that's how I would answer that as well.  


“Can ovarian cysts or fibroids be helped with coconut oil internally?” [33:28]

“I developed Hashimoto thyroiditis after my first pregnancy, and I am type O.” [43:11, add on]


I have never heard that. Fibroids and ovarian cysts are usually an aberration from the corrupt standard American diet that is so high in carbs that it shoots up the hormone insulin every time you eat. That insulin is a growth promoter. And that growth promoter is always associated with extra follicles being stimulated to develop polycystic ovarian syndrome. It is associated with getting obese. It is associated with thickening of the lining of the blood vessels, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. And it’s associated with stimulating benign tumors, skin tags, and fibroids in the uterus. Because the uterus is very sensitive to growth stimulation. Insulin is one of the most powerful. And every piece of candy cracker bread, pasta, oatmeal, tapioca, you know, cream of oats, cereal, bagel, rice, beans, potato, mashed potato, all that stuff is so voluminous in the American diet. It is driving the insulin up all the time. And so, the net effect is we start seeing the skin tags, the fibroids, and all these issues. So, no, I would say no on the coconut oil.

Now, let me try theorizing how there might be some value. If you're trying to suppress eating all these starchy, hunger-driven, craving foods that insulin stimulates, if you take a tablespoon of coconut oil, if you put it in some warm coffee or tea, that will help suppress the craving for the carbohydrates, which will suppress the insulin total over time in a lifetime, which will help reduce all the pushing to grow cysts and fibroids and skin tags and obesity and all that. So, if you understand your biochemistry and your physiology as a physician, well you can work your way biochemically around a rationale. But to imply coconut oil is going to do something for fibroids directly, no it is not. It’s through suppressing carbs, suppressing the appetite, and creating more satiation if you put it in your diet. 

All these adulterated foods. amplify the damage when you swallow the stuff and create all this scratching to this inside skin membrane, you might say, which is only one membrane thick, so easy to harm. 


“What is the treatment for pleural effusions? Can cracked ribs cause this? How can anxiety and panic attacks be relieved?” [36:13]


Yes. For me, exercise I would say is very important to control anxiety and panic attacks. Getting vitamin D, get your levels up to about 80, that is very neurologically stabilizing. Eating a healthier fat and protein diet will make all the membranes and your body throughout more sealed and healed and less irritable. Drinking enough water for rinsing out waste materials, and hydrating it, that will even help the brain be calmer. Natural hormone replacement helps with panic attacks and anxiety. Magnesium citrate and magnesium glycinate are very calming. Getting the correct essential oils.

And by the way, I would like to tell you all I have an article, I just want to tell you about this because my father worked at Armour food research. And everyone hears how Omega 6 is bad. High Omega 6, bad Omega 6 is bad, avoid Omega 6. This shows you how ignorant the medical school training is, the lack of our physicians, and getting enough chemistry, biochemistry, and organic chemistry. So, this article is called, Differential Effects of Adulterated Versus Unadulterated Forms of Linoleic Acid, the one of two only essential fatty acids a human being needs on cardiovascular health. Dr. Burn and his wife discovered this and provided it in 1929. We are almost 100 years now trying to still justify research about what’s so critical in that cell membrane that your uninformed doctors, your lousy pharmaceutical-run medical schools and training systems are not teaching these doctors so that they can think and help patients work out their problems. So, the conclusion of this article is this: our critical review indicates that natural on adulterated forms of linoleic acid have significant cardiovascular benefits and should be consumed as part of a healthy diet. I have been fighting for decades with cardiologists, internists, endocrinologists, OBGYN, and everyone just about on this.

In contrast, adulterated forms of linoleic acid are atherogenic. Adulterated forms, and what do I tell you they are? That’s hydrogenated, packaged, processed food. We have to have linoleic acid. It is essential for life. And it's in most foods we eat but primarily meat, fish, chicken, turkey, beef, ham, pork, eggs, and the egg yolk, nuts, and seeds. Very little in the plant kingdom alone of itself. The only way to get this into the food system is if we hydrogenate and destroy the heck out of it.

So, in contrast, adulterated forms of linoleic acid are atherogenic and therefore should be avoided. Given the consistent findings regarding the adverse effects of adulterated fats on cardiovascular health outcomes, it is critical to consider the source and form of linoleic acid and omega 6 when drawing conclusions about their effects on cardiovascular health. We strongly recommend that future studies using linoleic acid clarify the forum namely unadulterated versus adulterated of the fatty acid being tested to avoid further controversies. There is little evidence to support the ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 fatty acids as being critical for cardiovascular health benefits. Rather, both Omega 3 and 6 polyunsaturated fats appear to have independent cardiovascular health benefits, with high levels of both fatty acids being associated with low levels of inflammation. Furthermore, there is little evidence demonstrating dietary intake of linoleic acid is associated with any increased levels of inflammation. On the contrary, high dietary intake of natural and adulterated linoleic acid is associated with reductions in inflammation and cardiovascular risks. Thus, the findings of the present review are in line with recent reviews as well as current dietary recommendations of the AHA and suggest that increasing the intake of the natural unadulterated form of some linoleic acid, omega 6 provides cardiovascular health benefits. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Thank you, Lord Jesus.

We are being deceived by shiny objects and fast foods and ease and simple, simple instead of good old fashioned self-discipline, cooking, and eating real food with all the wonderful healthy fats. God has not missed a thing that we need. Anyway, so that's that.

Now on the effusion, pleural effusions, if they're small usually can and you're otherwise healthy and they don't find any cancer-causing it, or trauma, or blood, or infection, they can be reabsorbed, and that's why you need all those capillaries. That's why chelation therapy is so good. And a cracked rib can do this. 


“Can you recommend anything to boost milk supply with someone who has thyroiditis? Is it okay to let my baby eat solids at four months as her weight is stalling?” [43:35]


I am not a pediatrician. I really haven't taken care of infants in 20 years. But I’m going to say, the longer that you can breastfeed your child and keep your child more foundation is the best thing. But when the baby is starting to get ready to eat, I am very much in favor of chopping up little pieces of roast beef or roasted chicken and buttering it with a little salt and giving them little tiny, tiny fingertip pinches of it and let them get the taste and push it around in their mouth and get used to it that way. And when did we start? I would say around six months. But if you could keep their child the longest you can on breastfeeding. So, water is very important. You have to have the water. You have to have salts. I would use Himalayan salt. I'd put a little tiny little pinch in your water every day. I have my salt here. I will put a little pinch, a little twist, you know, you turn this upside down. I try to get my pitcher of water here. It is important to have minerals, important for you to have plenty of fat with vitamin D, vitamin K2, vitamin A, and vitamin E. Eating a rich protein, roasted chicken, these are things along with enough water and minerals that are going to make a huge difference in your milk production. 


“What are your thoughts on I-reuteri super yogurt? This is a type of yogurt that one would make from scratch.” [45:42]


I have never heard of this. Technically, I would prefer you make your own yogurt so you know there are no chemicals in it, no sugar to it, didn’t add sugar fruits to it, and have to get rid of our sweet tooth. I tend to stay away from packaged anything, even yogurts and so forth. I use Organic Pastures up in Central California. They do raw dairy. I use their cheese, kefir, their creme, their milk. That’s about all I use.

That is a wonderful kind and you save part of it to be the next seed for the batches you produce. I am in favor of homemade yogurts.


“Dr. Bruce Fife has great books on coconut oil.” [46:42]


Dr. Bruce Fife. I will try and look into that. 


“How do I deal with erratic high blood pressure and anxiety and pressure in the chest? I just recently started having this issue. Cardiologist suggested Prozac to calm the anxiety but what do you recommend? Is Prozac a good drug to use? Why would this be happening? It seems all this started after I had an MRI with contrast. Could it be the heavy metal toxicity?” [47:37]


I do not like Prozac. It is a possibility of heavy metal toxicity. I would do EDTA chelation. I don’t know if you are a patient here, I think you are. Natural hormones would be a benefit. 

A rich solid cell membrane calming phospholipids, you can take those powders, if you don't like eating a lot of meat, fish, chicken, turkey, beef, and eggs. Being a carnivore is probably one of the most mood antidepressants, mood-stabilizing things you can do. Getting adequate hydration and exercise, these things along with your cardiologist if they say that that's safe for you to do because I don't know you personally. 


“I recently had Pseudomyxoma and they took out my right ovary, the only one I had left. Started losing my hair and my skin is so dry. Would you say I need estrogen? I am also 71.” [48:58]


Yeah, and it was a stress to go through the surgery. And about three months from the stress is the time of an impact, especially if you're over 65. Surgery is an assault on the body legally for the benefit of helping you. And this is a benign type of ovarian growth. You know sometimes there can be teeth in it and bones and stuff like that. So, it's kind of gross.

I would work to try and think about natural hormones, think about eating a more carnivore-like or rich diet. I would think about exercise. I would think about magnesium, and amino acid chelates, like magnesium glycinate, and citrate. I would think about having rules about drinking enough water, going to bed on time, and being low-carb.


“Does pink Himalayan salt have iodine? What are the benefits of adding to food? How about regular sea salt? Should we use "iodized" salt? Also which is the best bacon to buy? No sugar? Rubbed, etc. so many varieties now.” [50:12]


There are traces in it, yes.  

There are trace minerals. I think I have seen reports of up to 80 different trace minerals in there.

Where is the money Fauci for our research in nutrition, Centers for Disease Control, where's your great nutrition and prevention? I have an article I just read from the Epoch Times, this one is on mind and body. And this is about mammograms, observing that excessive mammograms are really not associated with having any impact in saving women from breast cancer and extending life as it is implied. It's a wonderful article, and our great preventive department of the NIH came out and said, an update that, let's do mammograms at least every other year and lower the age to 40 now and start screening for breast cancer sooner. So, they don't do any single thing to help the immune system with diet. Get rid of the sugar drinks, and have a campaign on that like they had on smoking. Anyway, you can tell I am not a fan of Fauci, and the three-letter agencies of our money-grabbing incestuous organizations called the CDC, NIH, HHS, and so forth.

You know, I saw a picture of the head of CDC, then goes to Pfizer, and then the head of the HSS goes to the head of another Smith, Kline, and Glasgow. It's just musical chairs, pass our drugs through, and we guarantee you a million-dollar-a-year board seat when you're done with your tenure. Give me a break, where are your morals doctors? The government is so corrupt. You have to have independent doctors, have to have local health care and a personal accountability.

Yes, it's got iodine, it's got trace minerals. You know, you want to try and get the salts from areas that are away from industrial contamination. I don't think seashores are good at all. So, deep dive for salts in the ground are probably the best ones. And Himalayan salts are implying that they had to be mined for these deep down.


“What is the best bacon to buy?” [53:29]


Well, free range, without nitrates in it.


“I have a friend who is 59 who unfortunately took the jab over a year ago and shortly after, the Shingrex vaccine.. ever since then she has had chronic intermittent low platelet count.. her iron levels are normal... Her meds are: Losartan, atenolol, simvastatin, and Topamax. Her Dr. put her on a course of steroids and now she hovers around 90,000 but will still occasionally drop much lower for no apparent reason. Could the jab have caused this? Any suggestions on how to raise it?” [53:42]


Absolutely. I would use Probiotic 225 powder. If she does a course, this is what I use for my low platelet counts, Probiotic 225 powder, these are packets. One a day or two a day. I have taken care of people who have platelet counts of 18,000, 20,000, and 25,000 and got them maintained. It’s all about the gut. And here's that powder of the phospholipids, I mix these together. And then here's that ImmuneProtect, the protein. I have them use linoleic acid to fix the membrane. This is a human membrane building, I hope I don’t drop this. I have my patients do this and I don’t know anyone who has failed on that. That’s what I do with my people who have thrombocytopenia which is low platelets. 


“This new doctor I am seeing recommended that I take one capsule of 50,000 IU of vitamin D3 once a week. She said I could buy it on Amazon. I don’t really trust any supplements coming from Amazon because they could be from China so I bought the vitamin. D3 (10,000 IU once a day)from your TLC store. She said that it would help my thyroid. What are your thoughts? Is 50,000 mg once a week better than taking 10,000 mg every day.” [56:15]


I like the 10,000 every day. Have your doctor check the level to make sure you are getting around 70, or 80 at least. That would be the bare minimum. Have her check your liver enzymes. Because if a fatty vitamin, like Vitamin D, is processed through the liver, if there were any excess level of the D it would show with elevated liver enzymes. I save the D 50,000 for an acute illness. If I'm coming down with something, I'm here every day in my life, starting into my seven days, and you know I just don't get sick. But if I feel like I am I'll take 50,000 a day for four or five days. And a vitamin C drip and Argentyn silver. 


“What can my 23-year-old son do for scalp psoriasis? He surfs daily. He has tried everything OTC and prescription.” [57:40]


Well, I would look at his sugar levels. Look at his dihydrocodeine testosterone. I would look at his estradiol level. I would get his stool for his gut microbiome. I would find out his blood type. I would get the sugar drinks out of his life and get him on a healthier low-carb lifestyle. I would make sure he gets good sleep at night, that’s the only time he can heal and rebuild his scalp. I would give him this this very concoction, which will help build the membrane, of any cell membrane. My whole life has been about repairing every cell membrane in the human body, whether it's in your brain, the back of your eyeball, are down to your toe. That's what I would do. 


“A friend was on HRT (after menopause) for about 6-7 years then stopped for a year or two. She wants to go back on it due to hot flashes, but now her doctor won’t put her back on it because she says it can loosen the plaque in the arteries increasing stroke risk. I was wondering what your thoughts were on that. Also, I’ve heard if you are 10 years post-menopause, you shouldn’t start HRT and I was wondering what your thoughts were on that also.” [58:45]


That’s crazy. Don’t listen to that. That’s wrong advice. 

That's all mythology. That's all airy fairy. What is the research on this? I've been doing this almost 40 years on women who are in their 90s, and women who are teenagers who are having trouble with their menstrual cycle. Hormones are naturally occurring. And if monitored and followed correctly, they are a support to the health and longevity and repair of the human body, period, at any age in your life. There's a wonderful book out there called, Estrogen Matters. Please get it and read it, give it to your friend. 


“I start chelation with EDTA 1500 mg on Thursday and I had a few questions does EDTA weaken teeth? When using EDTA to remove gadolinium, have you seen the symptoms get worse before they get better? Last time I did EDTA I became very anemic and it seemed to cause some neurological symptoms. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, I'm pretty nervous. I'm 31 and female, blood type A+.” [59:56]


It does not weaken the teeth. Essentially, no, I use the half strength, chelation therapy because I don't want problems. I've been doing this for many, many, many decades. So slow, consistent, detoxing, is wonderful. For God's sake, we're taking so many toxins in you know, here's an opportunity to detox under supervision with so many years and hundreds of millions of people all over the world and little toddler babies using it. Yeah, it's very safe.

I don't think it was from chelation. Well, it's not going to be a problem, I've done 80% of all my patients are A-type blood anyway. I have tens of thousands of A-type blood in young women. So, your doctor should monitor you with a chemistry panel, and your hormones, and check your diet. Get you eating the healthy diet that repairs and that you should do well. 


“Do you purchase your meats from a local farm?” [1:01:20]


Yeah, I go to the Butcher Box. That’s where I get mine. I talk to them there. 


“Have you heard of Knobs tooth tablets?” [01:01:40]


Today is the day I’m going to get a lot of homework from you guys. I don’t know about that. But thank you for helping expand my knowledge. 


“I recently started Lisinopril for blood pressure. I'm getting the dry cough. Try Losartan did work. I have a low pulse rates, so beta blockers are obviously out. Is there any natural thing you can do? [1:01:58]


I don’t, but I’m going to look into that. I have that on there, another person tuned in on that.