HomeBlog YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, August 29, 2023

YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, August 29, 2023

August 31, 2023


 “I’ve recently been told I’m anemic. My hemoglobin was .9 and my iron is 10. Will magnesium supplementation help me more than liquid iron or should I use both? I also ordered Vitamin B1 and started Vitamin D3 with K2.” [0:03:37]


I don’t know your age or anything. I don’t know if you are male or female. But a hemoglobin of 7.9 is of concern. This obviously is being managed since you know the reading by a healthcare provider who must have ordered this for you. So, again, work with your healthcare provider. 

If I was seeing someone with a 7.9 hemoglobin, typically these are women in the perimenopausal, premenopausal phase that are menstruating. Over time, we are finding more and more menstrual irregularities, and heavy flow occurring to younger and younger women. This disruption and irregular bleed is being associated with a diet and recommendations in the diet that are not rich in iron in the diet. For instance, there is a whole campaign out there now that is trying to go to synthetic meats, 3D protein productions of meat, and various things like this. Trying to frighten you away from meat as a healthy part of daily life. And we are also being driven to a high carbohydrate processed food scenario. Therefore, in that light, we are seeing women who have higher carbohydrates, inflammation from the sticky sugars, and less good perfusion, which means the signaling of our hormones becomes more difficult. The higher your average blood sugar, the harder it is for the hormone messages to get through that blizzard of sticky sugars. And yet, they're not addressing this. We do this here. We do recommend healthier blood sugar levels and we are more strict. We want a fasting blood sugar of 85 and a triglyceride level that is no higher than your high-density lipoprotein level on your cholesterol panel, and lipid profile. And so, if your HDL is 60 with exercise, then your triglycerides should be 60. We recommend hemoglobin A1C at 5.2% or less. And we recommend a fasting insulin of 4.0 or less. 

To do that, it's going to force you to be away from eating so much excessive starches and carbohydrates and fruits and nuts and seeds and dense carbohydrate packed vegetables and move you to the more rich proteins, meat fish, chicken, turkey, shrimp, lobster, fish, and eggs, and things like this. So, that will help keep your blood sugar low. And we're in a very stressful world where the cortisol is impacting the pituitary axis here, the hypothalamic-pituitary axis signaling the menstrual cycles and the ovulation so that the progesterone is not being found to be cycled normally like it would be every month. Normally you’d get an ovulation and a progesterone so that the lining of the uterus would be cleared out. Therefore, there's disruption in the lining and it builds up and then you get these heavier bleeds. 

The use of over-the-counter prescriptions that are aspirin and Motrin and ibuprofen these things promote this bleeding and can be a cause. Another thing is we are having a diet that is so full of genetically modified components, and lectins, plant toxins that are harming the delicate one-cell membrane lining of the gut that you're getting many holes in it. And this is creating inflammation, your immune system can get alarmed, and get all kinds of guts symptomology. You can actually leak your blood through the gut lining through the inflammation of colitis or Crohn's kind of ulcerative colitis, an inflammatory bowel disease scenario. And then, of course, there's just aspirin and ibuprofen along can create alterations in the gut and create that. So, all these things have to be looked at as to where this lower blood is now as to the production. The toxins in the world bioaccumulate like heavy metals, lead, aluminum, and arsenic, if you're getting scans, you're getting gadolinium. And so, your bone marrow is going to also be challenged with the oxidative stress of these heavy metals. 

So, this is a whole world of pollutants and toxins and sticky blood sugars and high fructose corn syrup and over-the-counter supplementation stress and confusion of the pituitary hypothalamic hormonal access. All these things come into play. Besides which the diet is deficient in so many nutrients, like not eating enough meat with poor signaling from commercial interests. So, these are all the things that we would be talking about in a visit with someone with a hemoglobin of 7.9. We address all these. We want to make sure the gut, the lining, and the diet is dis-inflaming. We want to make sure that the menstrual cycle is having a progesterone cyclical two weeks out of every month coverage. So, we often give supplemental natural progesterone cycling to help make sure these menstrual cycles are orderly. We give natural herbal iron in the form of our product is called HemeVite. And we have our women use these herbal, little tiny, tablets, roughly two, three times a day. And then, we do encourage them to find out what their blood type is. If they are a blood Type A person, their digestion and ability to absorb minerals is diminished. We’d encourage them to use a digestive enzyme, along with a multi-mineral which will have magnesium, potassium, chromium, and other vital nutrients. We also asked them to lower their blood sugar. And we also asked them to be more generous with their protein and healthy fats. Yep, that would be the start.

I think Vitamin D3 with K2, and MK7 is very valuable. So, that’s how we approach it. Hopefully, that is a help to you. 


“Can you recommend any supplements for a healthy brain? I have been eating very clean, but need to implement more to heal a damaged brain.” [0:12:01]


Well, the brain is going to be impacted. I don't know if you recall, at Thanksgiving, when we all tend to overindulge and eat too much, you get sleepy, and your thinking isn't as sharp. So, a lower carbohydrate diet consistently is what we need to do foundationally. And we need to exercise. Exercise is very valuable for dementia, for Alzheimer's, for memory problems. Having natural hormones at healthy levels. So, we can see diminished memory and cognitive challenges in young women who are on the birth control pill because their natural hormones are dropping. Vitamin D is very helpful to the brain, as well as getting a good night's sleep and Vitamin D3 will help with that, along with a methylated B complex in particular pantothenic acid. So, those are just some starters.

And I don't know your age or what your scenario is. But these are the directions. We can also talk about the microcirculation of your brain and listening to classical music, reading complex puzzles, and doing things challenging for the brain to exercise. There are many brain behavioral trainings on the computer that you could use. So, hopefully, that gives you some cues as to where we’d go. 


“I am 37 and have very healthy periods as well.” [0:14:51]


We would be shifting more to your blood type and your gut absorption and your diet more likely. Find out your blood type, discuss inflammatory bowel disease, have your stool tested, and consider things that would help your gut. 


“I now have spiders and spots in both my eyes. Any prevention from this getting worse? Any help to make it better? My eyesight is a lot worse now that I’m in my late 60s.” [0:15:26]


That’s not uncommon. And we're seeing it, unfortunately, in younger and younger age groups. And your eyeball has a magnificent design and the fluid inside the eyeball itself is a liquid that has protein in it. And the protein if it gets oxidized from stress, free radicals, reactive oxygen species, particles, and damaged fragments, then it will cross-link proteins and make little tiny connections that can then start making a web. So, you have to be well hydrated. So, water is the number one anticoagulant. Water is the number one antioxidant, you could say. You should drink plenty of water, half your weight in pounds as ounces every day. Exercise is important. That's the hydraulic pump, a low-carb diet.

When I had my first floaters show up in my life, I fasted for five days. And then that floater tremendously went away. I would say within a week, I did it five days I would say, and it went down 90%. And I can't even see it right now as I speak to you. Systemic enzymes, Vitalzym, Vascuzyme, ProteoXyme on an empty stomach. I was taking like five, or three times a day while I was fasting. So, low carb, enzymes, exercise, adequate hydration, and a good night’s sleep. You heal at night. 


“What are your recommendations for a healthy 19-year-old recently diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes?” [0:17:35]


I would see a good functional doctor. There's a wonderful doctor out there by the name of Richard K. Burnstein, a medical doctor. And he's 89 years old right now and he is still practicing full-time. And he was diagnosed himself at age 11 with insulin-dependent diabetes. He’s 89 now and has had 78 years of insulin-dependent diabetes. And he is on a very aggressive low-carb diet. His carbohydrate daily consumption would probably be 20 grams or less per day, a rigorous exercise even at 89, and he is very much for good hydration. And he would agree with the systemic enzymes, the vitamin D, K2, vitamin D3K2, and methylated B vitamins. Find out your blood type. I would say Juice Plus is what I use as my antioxidant because it's the fruit vegetables and berry phytonutrients that are left over after you rinse away all the fructose and the starch in the fruits, vegetables, and berries. Taking the fruit vegetable and berry capsules would provide tremendous phytochemical protection.

And Dr. Burnstein has no retinopathy of the eyes, no peripheral vascular disease. Before he started doing this, I think he was in his late 40s, he already had kidney disease and he was starting to have retinopathy and all of these have resolved. So, that's the direction. Get a good functional doctor. Look up Dr. Richard K. Burnstein on YouTube and listen to his lectures. He has a book out on this. You can go from there. 

Found out his blood type and probiotic. The meat, fish, chicken, beef, and turkey are very, very valuable. If it was my 19-year-old grandson or son, personally, I would start them on a carnivore diet right away. 


“They also wanted to do a blood transfusion because of the anemia. I told them now. I have GERD. They also want to do a colonoscopy/endoscopy. I also take apple cider vinegar to help with my stomach.” [0:20:42]


You're doing some healthy things and your physicians who are watching over you are correct in wanting to do the colonoscopy endoscopy, the mere fact that you're having symptomology with the gut. Reflux symptoms indicate that you're having some kind of gastrointestinal irritation, or inflammation. So, follow their advice.

I do believe that the acid in the Apple Cider Vinegar when you eat food is a healthy thing to do. We typically do see people get transfusions when the hemoglobin is under 7.0, you are 7.9 I think you said. I would follow their advice. 


“I’m 71. The last few days I noticed that I am bleeding, not much. I have been taking progesterone and estradiol for the last few years. I am under the care of Dr. Core.” [0:21:52]


Postmenopausal bleeding in our training, at least back in the ‘70s and ‘80s, when I went through my medical training, postmenopausal women we are always concerned about endometrial cancer. But now that so many women are on natural hormones, the vast majority of this is when levels get unbalanced and the progesterone drops. 

And when the progesterone drops, sometimes women forget to take it. That is a signal just like when you have a progesterone drop when you're a normal woman menstruating with ovulation each month when the progesterone drops, that is a signal for the uterus to clean itself out.

So, you need to see your doctor, have a pelvic exam, and you need a transvaginal ultrasound to look at your uterus and the inside lining of the uterus, and see how thick it is, okay? If it is not thick and looks healthy, that may be all they do. They could look at your hormone levels and adjust it. But very often they will do a procedure called an endometrial biopsy. It's an in-office procedure, where it's like getting a Pap smear, they go a little deeper into the uterus and get a little sampling of the endometrial lining. So, this has to be followed up with your pelvic exam, ultrasound, your endometrial biopsy, your hormone levels. So, do get a hold of your doctor and get those things addressed. But the vast, vast majority are benign. 


“Is it safe to use Armour Thyroid if it’s past the expiration date? I noticed the shelf life is only one year.” [0:23:46]


Most of this is usually just regulations being followed by the pharmaceutical situation. I have samples that are years old, and that's what I use for my thyroid replacement. So, I have found it to be not an issue. If it's been exposed to humidity or the cap is off or something, then all bets are off. But if it's been basically sealed and you have it, then I don't see if it's a year or two old that it would have any problem. But see your doctor and have it tested and let them know that you're using a thyroid dose that is over the one-year expiration just so that they know in case they do see any variation when you see your doctor. 


“Any tips to recover from wisdom tooth extraction?” [0:24:45]


Well, if you just had it today, then I would fast for a day and a half. I would not eat anything except chicken broth and beef broth. The healing is stimulated, if you fast, the growth hormone goes up to repair and heal up things far quicker than if your body starts to see you take in food. This will diminish your repair hormones and repair signals. So, fasting, chicken broth, beef broth, not bone broth, we're talking about just the bouillon cube and hot water of chicken bouillon cube or beef bouillon cube, so that you get your salts and electrolytes. And if you do that, if you're hungry at all, you could take a tablespoon of olive oil, extra virgin, or put a tablespoon of butter in your coffee. I don't know how comfortable you are with fasting but that's a tremendous way to do it.

Then I would get a Argenton Silver or Colloidal Silver over the counter. I think it's called Sovereign Silver, and I would swish and then gargle and then swallow a teaspoon three, or four times a day. And taking systemic enzymes after a tooth extraction will help get rid of the inflamed, cut-up, damaged up, area and clean up all the damage where the cell membrane was poked through. The inflammation will go down far faster if you can fast for like 36 hours. Then, of course, follow your dentist’s advice. That is what we usually do. Make sure you are on Vitamin D3 with K2. 


I have tachycardia episodes because of my stomach. I wonder if it could be a large hernia. Is there a safer way besides endoscopy, such as a CT or MRI without contrast?” [0:26:53]


No, I would follow your doctor's advice where they can literally see the physical in real-time, the lining with an endoscopy and colonoscopy. The other thing is tachycardia, a racing heartbeat, may also be related to your low blood count as well. So, this is something that is serious and you need to follow your doctor. I would be in favor of those items, even the transfusion. And seeing your doctor to see if you can prevent the inflammation and your GERD and stuff. 


“Is it beneficial to take MCT oil with dinner? I cannot take it on an empty stomach while I fast because it gives me a slight stomach ache. I’m taking it to help my brain. 71-year-old, blood type B.” [0:27:52]


It is going to be beneficial. Very often, medium-chain triglycerides can be put into an herbal tea or coffee. You might find that a nice way to do it. It’s probably better absorbed in that fashion. You will get the benefit if you take it with your meal. I’m not going to say no to that. 


“My aunt had chemotherapy a few years ago and one side effect was neuropathy. She still has neuropathy and is painful and keeps her from going out much. What do you recommend to cure this? Are there any supplements you offer to help?” [0:28:43]


I'd go on a carnivore diet. And I say carnivore because the phospholipids that make up the cell membrane here, this is a double layer of these fats like this that go all around the cell and create the boundaries. It's rich in eating meat, and fish, and chicken with a skin on it, and lobster, shrimp, crab, and egg yolks and all these wonderful things. And nerves have a sheath around them rich in these phospholipids and special lipids. That is why they call it a myelin sheath. By eating a carnivore diet, you are forcing your body to have an abundance to help repair this. And by reducing all the sugary, sticky inflaming sugars, you don’t have any idea of how you have been deceived to think that your breads, oatmeal, yogurts, and sugar lattes, sugar smoothies, juices, and your treats, all this high fructose corn syrup, and high carbs, and these high tolerated normal fasting blood sugars are actually creating shear force sticky damage to the tiny capillaries. So, membrane damage here just from high blood sugar alone creates all this inflammation, which then will damage the membranes that are trying to heal from all the nerves and everywhere in your body. So, this lifestyle of healthy phospholipids and healthy fats is extremely beneficial for brain health. Neurological situations like multiple sclerosis, ALS, Lou Gehrig's disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Every cell in our body has this double membrane. It’s right in these foods. And it is absolutely lousy and poor. 

Neurological situations like multiple sclerosis, ALS, Lou Gehrig's disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. All our body, every cell in our body has this double membrane, and it's rich in these foods. And it's absolutely lousy and poor in a vegan diet. So, that's the direction I would go, number one.

Besides this, it will get the sugar down, and it'll get rid of the inflammation and the food toxins from healthy foods. Even spinach is high in oxalate, and many of these people are out there buying these silly green drinks that are, you know, made up to have vitamins and a powder. And spinach is a huge component of these green drinks, which is full, way above the dose of oxalates that you should have that contribute to damaging your cell membranes. So that's how I would go there. 


“Do you balance electrolytes if you are taking a potassium-sparing diuretic medicine?” [0:32:08]


Yes, I still think it's a smart thing to take something like TLC Multi-Min to ensure that you have a good potassium, magnesium, calcium, and chromium supplementation. Not every person responds to these prescription medicines. If you look at the list of the risks of taking these medicines, they will still say you have to check it even if it’s potassium-sparing. 


“If sodium is flushed out and potassium is not, it could be a problem. How do you test that?” [0:32:55]


You have to have a lab to test it. I typically do not see that as a problem. Most of these medications and your doctor will do a chemistry and check that. Usually, they are very safe. 


“Can I drink black coffee before and/or after taking Vascuzyme? [0:33:16]


I do it all the time. I take my water, I have my balance. I can’t have one of these unless I have one of these. I’m doing it all the time. So, yes, you can.


“I asked last week about spiral lactone for high blood pressure. Did you get any information?” [0:33:36]


I forgot, I’m sorry. I have to write myself a note. I didn’t. 


“Do you do telehealth appointments or in-person only?” [0:334:39]


We do telehealth also, yes. 


“My mom seems to be having memory issues. What do you recommend for first stages of looking into this?” [0:35:13]


Again, the circulation to your brain, the tiny, tiny little spider web capillaries let one red blood cell through at a time. That is the delivery right to the cell membrane to help that brain and every other cell in your body. We do EDTA chelation therapy to enhance the blood flow and profusion. We tell you to exercise and we ask you to get the sticky sugars down, we ask you to get the protein and healthy fats to repair those injuries, and we ask if we can give you natural hormones. Estradiol is very helpful in the brain of women to help her with her memory. One of the side effects that is always complained about when menopause hits, is foggy brain, and memory loss. So, that’s where we would begin. We would use lots of water and systemic enzymes, and that usually works. 


“I am 28 yr. old female. Do you have any experience with or thoughts about CRPS? Ehlers Danlos? Any help would be appreciated. Specifically, heart racing, dizziness upon standing, and passing out episodes. Also, possible seizures? At which time I get eyelid spasms, as well as digestive spasms, inability to speak, and neck, leg, and arm ticks, varies between those. Skin pales, speech slightly garbled, as all function gradually returns. Vary in length predominantly in the evening recently. But seems triggered by extreme temperatures.” [0:37:11]


 Chronic recurring pain syndrome. Well, you are obviously under the care of a neurologist and a specialist to have this chronic recurring pain syndrome or Ehlers-Danlos. Ehlers-Danlos is a connective tissue disorder and they have linked that with genes, some breakdown in genetics for the elastin collagen. These are usually people who have very hyper-reflexive flexibility, and very loose flex joints and they relate that to it. The chronic recurring pain syndrome is damage to the nerve. Usually, these are in distal nerves or in your leg and there are many things get can do it but everything I had said to the other question about the myelin sheath and all that is how we would approach it and why we would favor a carnivore diet and why we would favor exercise adequate hydration. natural hormones are your general contractors that help to give orders to repair these things, including the lining of the nerves. The carnivore diet would get out any inflammatory little cytokines from the damage in your gut from the various foods that you may or may not have.

All these things should be worked out by a good functional doctor, working with your neurologist, working with your internist, or your seizure specialists. EDTA chelation will improve that tiny web-like and you should find out what your gadolinium level is that could be aggravating it. It sounds like you've certainly had some scans, and so forth. So, those are the instructions I would go. Relisten to this and go back to what I said about the person with the nerve damage from chemotherapy. 


“I am new to my area. I am seeing a functional medicine practitioner, as well as an endocrinologist. I have Hashimoto's thyroid for almost 40 years. My labs are most always "stable" and I have been on Levothyroxine 0.88-mg for many years. Stable dose. The functional med doctor did an iodine skin patch test. Mine faded gone by 8-9 hours. He asked prescribed Iodoral 12.5mg daily. I am a little concerned because it involves my thyroid. I am a little more tired, I have noticed dryer hair (humid climate) and my nails aren't as strong. They aren't brittle though. What is your advice on this? If you take it, how do you follow it? What can be expected?” [0:40:35]


The iodine test is where they take some liquid iodine and rub it on your skin. They see how long it takes for your body to absorb that.  

Well, again, you have to follow up with your doctors that are there locally. But in general, if it took eight hours for you to have that absorbed, that's on a slow side. So, it's implying that you are deficient in iodine. And I think if you read Dr. David Brownstein, his book on iodine, he has done the greatest work on this. I think he’s up in Michigan. He’s a family practice doctor.

And the data shows that least published there that about 96.7% of all Americans are deficient in iodine, that puts a stress on our thyroid gland. Because you have to have iodine to make a thyroid hormone work. And then if you have an autoimmune attack on the tissue of your thyroid, hurting the production of thyroid hormone, and a deficiency of the salt iodine, then it's a double whammy. Therefore, levothyroxine is a T4. Your body has to convert it into the active T3. That’s another point of which you may not be as good at. I think there is wisdom in giving iodine. The test appears to show you are deficient in it.

I use the Iodoral, which is the product made by Dr. David Brownstein. It's 12.5-milligram which is a very low dose. And I would favor that very much. And follow up with your functional doctor. Looks like he or she is on the right track with you. 


“I’m 42 years old and had unexplained bleeding in between periods, in April. A CT scan discovered that I had a cyst on my left ovary. The bleeding stopped at the end of May. I just started bleeding in between periods again, 3 months later. Is this something that could indicate a more serious issue?” [0:43:44]


Yes, this should be followed. But again, you're in that, in my opinion, women are going into menopause too early. You don't have ovulation every month. Therefore, you don't have your estradiol, balance with progesterone, which means you're going to get into estrogen dominance, which means you're going to have an uneven lining and buildup of the uterine lining, and you'll start seeing these irregular cycles. So, I would see a doctor. Yes, I would get your hormone levels done.

And I would ask about natural progesterone used on days 15 through 25 of your menstrual cycle. So, that when you have a menstrual cycle, 15 days later from the start of it, you would start using the progesterone for 10 days, every day, and that would behave like if you did ovulate, and it'll help with regulation. Let them get the pelvic ultrasound. Take a look at that. See if there's another cyst on the ovary, things like that, but do follow up, but that's how we would approach it. 


“Do you recommend creatinine supplementation for bone health, cardiac health, and insulin sensitivity?” [0:45:17]


I do. But I do it in the form of telling my patients to eat meat, fish, chicken, turkey, eggs, pork, lobster, crab, and shrimp. That’s how I would say get it the natural way.  


“My husband has athlete’s foot and I need to know how to get rid of it. What are your recommendations, please?” [0:45:48]


Well, try to give him a new pair of shoes and white socks or pads to put on. Try to have his shoes cleaned or just new. Wash his feet with Selsun Blue shampoo. You can go to the drugstore and get this shampoo. Selenium is a natural antifungal. That’s all I ever wash with, or shower with. And I make sure that I scrub it in with my little brush into my toenails and my feet. And then, I try and keep my shoes off and walk barefoot as much as I can for the bulk of the day. Like I'm sitting right here and my shoes are off. So, my feet are outside of my shoes right now. But that's what I would do.

And then he's got to be on a low-carb diet because fungus tends to grow on the feet of those who clog up their capillaries with so much sugar and then the fungus starts taking over. That's beginning points that we would do for any athlete's foot. 


“Does it work to get iodine from sea kelp supplements?” [0:47:12]


The answer is yes. It’s variable. I do have concerns about the dose. Usually, it’s inadequate that 12.5 milligrams, you'd have to eat a whole lot of sea kelp to try and get 12.5 milligrams. Maybe three little bowls of it and I don’t think you’ll be doing that. Yes, you can get it from there. And then the sea has a lot of toxins in it. And you have to worry about the processor. I like Dr. Brownstein’s methodology of getting this in the tablet form that is testable. 


“I’m fasting because of stomach pains and nausea. What is the best foods after fasting?” [0:47:55]


When I start someone on a fast and then they say what to eat, I very often will tell them a soft-boiled or poached egg is good. Or I will ask them to eat some very easily digestible soft fish, like salmon. These are the ones that I would recommend to do that with. 


“What would you recommend treating a mycobacterial infection in the lungs? Testing is being done to determine the type of bacteria. The pulmonologist mentioned treatment is usually three antibiotics which I'd like to avoid if possible. Can Argentyn be used with a nebulizer? Are there any vitamins or supplements that would help?” [0:48:36]


Well, I don't know who you are, what your age, and what other comorbidities you have. You have a pulmonologist. I would follow their advice. But sugars depress the immune system. A low-carbohydrate diet is critical. So, you don't press your immune system. Never eat late. Doing the Argenton, you can swish and swallow, make sure you don't have any dental work that needs to be done because that can seed through saliva and spit bacteria into your trachea and stuff that will promote it. So, have good dental health. See your dentist if anything needs to be done there. But Argenton swish and swallow helps nebulizing it. Taking enzymes helps reduce inflammation. Remember, those alveoli are just literally made up of phospholipid and protein membranes, that's all it is. So, if you can go carnivore, that would be a great way to hype that up. Vitamin D3K2 to get your vitamin D up to about 80 to 100 would be important. You can find a place that does high-dose Vitamin C treatments. And the other thing would be n acetylcysteine. This helps with expectoration and clearing of the lung mucosa as well. And then iodine, use that Iodoral, once a day. Iodine is a natural expectorant. Work with your pulmonologist. I would obey what he says and not fool around with it.

EDTA chelation can improve the tiny web-like blood supply that brings all this healing phospholipids and enzymes to dis-inflame it. So, EDTA chelation with the Vitamin C in, enhanced chelation would help too.  


“Can I safely get off my thyroid meds?” [0:51:38]


Well, that depends on a multitude of things. You have to see a good doctor who is familiar with lifestyle management, things that tend to complicate thyroid performance. There are certain foods that are goitrogenic foods. You can Google what foods promote poor thyroid function. You can avoid that to see if your thyroid need for medicine would diminish. Getting your stomach checked for food allergens because they are often associated with inflammation and underfunctioning of the thyroid or autoimmune thyroid disease. You can get your iodine level checked. There is a 24-hour urine collection that Dr. David Brownstein would refer to. There is a patch test another question brought up. But so many things have to be looked at to see if it is possible. Work with your doctor. Start looking at a functional doctor who will help you to look at ways that will improve your whole metabolism so that your needs will diminish.  


“What is the difference between a virus and a cold?” [0:52:54]


Well, you know, viruses are everywhere. We have a microbiome that lives in our nose, in our mouth, and our teeth. We have a bacterial microbiome that lives on our skin. Some particular to our scalp, some in the genital area. So, we have these viruses, fungi, and bacteria everywhere. They are in the air. We inhale these. And if you don’t have a good Vitamin D level, and if your blood sugars are usually too high depressing your white blood cell mobility and ability to do phagocytosis and eat these things up, then you're going to succumb to a viral replication of this and get what we call the runny nose, cough. Because most of this just stays usually in the hypopharynx right here. Now we call this phenomenon a cold but is it allergies? Is it some dust that you were working on with spraying or painting in your home? Could be all of these various things but typically, a cold is a virus that is localized to the hypopharynx right there. It’s self-limiting. That’s why we believe in an adequate Vitamin D and a low-carb diet, and we believe in Argenton Silver nasal spray and washes. You can get a very dilute iodine in a nasal rinse and can use a neti-pot to do that as well. 


“News is making children wear masks again in school, and Biden announced new vaccines available in Sept. News also reported from a worker that her supervisor in Florida as medical official at a hospital to get ready for epidemic of Covid, a plan to infect people, how will it be done?” [0:54:45]


We have to stay healthy. And God has made us fearfully and wonderfully well. We have a marvelous immune system that has adjusted and reacts to all these kinds of challenges. Get your Vitamin D in the 80 to 120 range. Do that with a comprehensive chemistry so they can check your liver enzymes to make sure that's well handled. Be low carb, so you don’t depress your immune system. Have a very good multivitamin-mineral that is rich in Zinc and have some Argenton or colloidal silver around or a little iodine solution you can dilute and use as a little oral nasal rinse. Use Quercetin, it’s a natural herb. Acts like Ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine as an ionophore that helps draw in the Zinc. The Zinc will help your ribosomes from copying the viral DNA and replicating them. That’s how Zinc works. That is how Quercetin and Ivermectin work. So, those are the things that I would do. 

We went through all of this, I never masked, never requested anyone to mask. We never shut down. I’m still working six days a week because so many did shut down and doctors didn't show up. But praise be to God that he kept me healthy, we are at my birthday now, and I’m hitting the 70s. I wouldn’t worry about a thing. Not any of my patients died from it. They were not hospitalized. And everyone stayed well. This was a lot of foolishness. All of you who have heard what I have said before understand this. 


“My hubby was diagnosed with a stomach hernia and GERD for which he has been taking anti-acid for… he has also been taking digestive enzymes. I would like for him to get off the anti-acid medication which to me is counterproductive especially when taking the digestive enzymes… I haven’t been able to convince him yet. Is there anything you can say to on the subject?” [0:57:10]


Number one thing to do with that scenario with reflux is stop eating at four o'clock every day. Do not eat past four o'clock at all. And just leave it like that. I would get the phospholipid powder we call it Phospholipids. It’s all the fats here. If you mix it with warm water and SBI Protect, which is the amino acid proteins and immunoglobulins and mix set and have that every evening before you go to bed and every morning. Do that faithfully and it should solve that problem immediately. Don’t eat past four o’clock. That is how I would start. 


“I recently heard Dr. Avery Jackson discuss the benefits of a Betadine/iodine nasal swab and gargling with the same to kill Covid germs. Do you agree, and if so, what amount of water with iodine to use to gargle? and is there a "best brand" you recommend? What do you recommend for the prevention of and killing of the bacteria of a bladder infection? I've heard of a product called Uritract. I have been taking 300mg of progesterone orally for some time now. I recently read in your teaching transcript that you take Kokoro Cream. Do you advise switching over to that?” [0:58:18]


I don’t use the iodine, I don’t have it on the top of my head. Instead, I use the Argentyn Silver which is the same as far as protection. We have used this for the past several years here and have used it for decades for colds. 

De Mannose is not absorbed, it’s a type of sugar molecule that stays in the gut and comes out through the kidneys. It lines the bladder so that bacteria doesn’t stick to it. 

The other one, Uritract and I forget the name of the other one. They have cranberry extract in them. They are good preventative things to do. But if you are having problems, see your doctor, get a urine, clean catch culture, and have that followed. 

Kokoro Cream is a very mild, over-the-counter one. I use it as a moisturizer if I’m getting dry. Certainly the older I get, the dryer I get. It’s very safe. Progesterone is very safe for men, women, and children. We are swimming in it when we are conceived and born. Progesterone is very friendly. 


“My son has been dealing with IBS and acid reflux as well as morning nausea for years now, he is only 24 years old, he has seen doctors and tried different meds but nothing has worked. The last GI Dr. performed a colonoscopy and endoscopy, and his conclusion was that it was most likely to anxiety. What would you recommend since he hasn’t been able to eat anything and feels weak and tired most of the time?” [1:00:24]


Well, I would find out his blood type. Very often, blood Type A acts like this. They have years of indigestion capacity and are becoming diminished in their nutrient ability to handle things. This harms their mental focus and they become fat soluble deficient, Vitamin D, depression, cell membrane made of the fat leaves all these little holes. Micro inflammation, a sense of dis-ease, which is misinterpreted as anxiety. He needs to see a good functional doctor that will work through all those issues and start to fix them up. 

I would immediately put him on Vitamin D3K2 for his mood and immune system. I would make him a carnivore. And if he is blood Type A, I would have him use a digestive enzyme. Work into that if it is difficult to him. But certainly use that phospholipid powder with SBI Protect. That is how I would begin with him if I was seeing him. Find a good functional doctor. 


“And I was diagnosed with a leaky gut with bacteria in my gut and I was treated with candida, probiotics, gluten, shield, magnesium, and super aloe and digestive enzymes for my constipation. The constipation has gotten better, but it’s not completely cured. I don’t know what else to do can you please advise? I've been trying to have a healthy diet with minimum sugar and a gluten-free diet. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto as well and my constipation seems to linger on.” [1:02:19]


 I’m going to say, the best way to heal a gut, the lining of the gut, these little holes that are poked into it, is to go on an absolute elimination diet. The best one out there is a carnivore diet. You get all of these inflammatory plant lectins out of your diet and then you have the vast, dense, phospholipids that need to heal. If you would do that 8 weeks, 12 weeks, 100%, you should see this tremendously improve. 


“Do you have any suggestions to help alleviate a milder form of essential tremors in hands? I'm a 63-year-old female. Pharmaceuticals seem to work but side effects are just as bad. Same with Botox.” [1:03:23]


Essential tremors, we don’t know the cause of them. I believe it’s pollution. I believe it’s the micro-damage to the myelin sheath surrounding your nerves into the brain tissue. We would do all these things that would promote the repair of the myelin sheath and do the EDTA chelation to improve the microcirculation. Our tremors tend to improve with doing chelation therapy, a low-carb diet, doing the carnivore-type diet, and taking enzymes and getting on natural hormones. That would be our beginning approach.